Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Ludington State Park Loop

  Cathy and I took a hike this morning. We did a loop that I haven't done this year, maybe not for a couple of years, starting with a walk out to Big Sable Lighthouse. Big Sable Lighthouse

The morning was hazy with cloud cover- the big lake just faded into the sky, but I liked the curves of the beach Lake Michigan beach

Not quite in focus, but one chipmunk held still long enough for a picture. chipmunk

We took the Coast Guard Trail to cross the park from Lake Michigan to Hamlin Lake. I liked how the light was catching the sand on the treadway. Coast Guard Trail

There were adorable little horsehair mushrooms popping up all over horsehair mushrooms

Nice reflection of the railing in the water wooden railing reflected in water

The afternoon cleared and treated me to another lovely blue and white sky. clouds in blue sky

We hiked 6.4 miles. The park was getting crowded by the time we finished, but the first hour we had things largely to ourselves. Ran into some friends too. That was fun.

In other news: I worked on the trailer in the afternoon, and did a couple of little things. Big List is still at 73 items with 24 crossed off, leaving 49 to go in 52 days.

Ludington State Park, Michigan: sand road to Lighthouse, Coast Guard Trail, edge of Lost Lake, Sauble River Trail. Total 6.4 miles

See Nordhouse Dunes Hike


  1. Beautiful shots of the area. I really like the one with the lighthouse.

  2. I've always liked Ludington park hikes.

  3. Ann- The lighthouse group does a terrific job of preservation

    Unknown- glad to hear it

    Stew- thanks!

  4. Lulu: "Squirrel!"
    Chaplin: "That's not a squirrel, that's a—"
    Lulu: "I SAID SQUIRREL!"


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