Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Into the Wayne - Day 88

  Look who's back with us! It's Bill. happy hikers

Today we entered the Wayne National Forest, Marietta Unit, and there is now a nice long stretch of off-road trail ahead of us. rock in Wayne National Forest

We found two old stone foundations. I'm always wondering the stories of the people who put so much effort into building these. Now their homes are all gone, and their names are forgotten. I didn't even see where a leveled track for a cart or wagon or car approached this location. Surely the owners would have needed to access their home in ways other than on foot or horseback. The view from this home was impressive. At least it's fairly easy to tell why they built where they did. Did people back then choose hilltops for the scenery or to have a longer view for defense? stone foundation of old house

Our decision to take a day off to let the water fall was excellent. This is trail along the Little Muskingum River. You can see the smooth mud on the treadway. Yesterday, the water was over the trail. Yikes. trail along the Little Muskingum River

A sign of continuing winter. This is more of the needle ice, but this one really demonstrates why it is also called frost flower. needle ice

A sign of spring. Scarlet Cup Fungus. We found everything from tiny ones to a really big one. These are medium size- about 2.5 inches across. scarlet cup fungus

Some tough hills- very steep and 500 feet high. We did OK, but we had to stop short of our ideal goal because we had a time deadline.

Miles today: 11.8. Total miles so far: 1117.8.

Bonus Section: Blogging friend connections

The lady on the left, Nelle, is someone I "met" back when blogging was a big thing. We think we were reading each other's blogs 12 or 13 years ago. The man is her husband, Jeff. friends

Tonight I got to meet her in real life. It's because of her that we are being hosted by Sarah and Dave (more on them later). They only know of me through Nelle, but they offered to let me stay here. And tonight, they fed us all, and also invited Nelle and Jeff. We had a lot of fun getting acquainted. buffet dinner

Lots of neat connections there!

See Goodbye to Hosts #12


  1. I am truly happy to have met the 3 dimensional you

  2. Like to see of your hiking, Bill is my brother. So I know you because of this page so I even know of your name. Be sure to get good nutrition.

  3. Lulu: "Our Dada is also always intrigued by old foundations or ruins out in the woods. But right now I think he's mostly intrigued by all the counter and cabinet space in that kitchen!"

  4. Nelle- mutual pleasure, and the cookies were YUMMY

    Hi Bill's sibling! We are eating well

    Lulu- our current hosts love to have visitors stay. They are members of Rotary International and have had people from all over the world. PS. Theo the dog is also intrigued by the counters- or at least the goodies that can be found on them


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