Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 8, 2022

North Country Trail Tongue Twisters - Day 159

  Here's a beautiful river for you- the Tioughnioga. (tye-UFF-knee-OH-ga or tye-OFF-knee-OH-ga). I walked beside it today, and crossed it. Tioughnioga

You can tell the true NCT aficionados by whether or not they can pronounce the following- I've chosen one for each state. How many do you know?
Vermont- Moosalamoo
New York- Tioughnioga
Pennsylvania- Tionesta
Ohio- Piqua
Wisconsin- Chequamegon
Minnesota- Kekakabic
North Dakota- Sakakawea

In other news, early in the day I reached the high point of Cortland County, Virgil Mountain, at 2132 feet. That's right up there with the highest I've been so far on the trail. I broke 2100 in Pennsylvania, too. But stay tuned. Virgil Mountain sign

There's no view from the very top, but just a short way down there is a power line cut with a nice vista. At the very top were the chair lift stations for Greek Peak ski area. And, I also walked by the chair lift stations and Gridley Creek at the bottom- 900 feet lower. Incidentally, I crossed the lowest point on the Finger Lakes Trail just a few days ago at 432 feet, just south of Ithaca. view from Virgil Mountain

Saw my first snake of the year- a lovely little smooth green snake. Totally harmless. smooth green snake

And the domestic wildlife were kind of fun. These sheep didn't know what to make of me, but they did not run away. sheep

Miles today: 15.5. Total miles so far: 2044.6.

See Actual Resting Occurred


  1. Well I can pronounce the one for Pennsylvania and Ohio. Beyond that forget it.

  2. I learned the Wisconsin one last year. It's NOT Check-ah-me-gun! That got a few laughs from the locals.

  3. Ann- you've got 1/4 of 'em!

    Doug- right!

  4. Greek Peak brings memories of the NCTA Celebration held there…2017? Anyway, not that long ago. A very nice venue for it.


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