Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The DVD Collection

This post is for those of you who think I work on stuff all the time. Today was very unproductive. I did manage my editing quota this morning, but the truth is that I did not get to sleep until 6 am, and after I woke up at 10 am, I felt like crap for the rest of the day.

I decided to watch a movie, and went to choose one from our collection. Since cleaning up after the January flood, there was no organization to it AT ALL. I decided that was something I had enough motivation and brain power to do. The good news is that I separated them all by category. The bad news is that since we gave away 7 banana boxes full of VHS tapes, we no longer have a lot of movies that I wish we did.

We both really like good movies. Sometimes we even like mediocre movies- depends on the topic.

This was somewhat enlightening, although, remember that we used to have maybe 200 additional films or TV shows on tape. The two largest piles are sci-fi and historical fiction. Classic fantasy was a close third. That pile isn't in the picture. It was already stashed on the shelf. Also, complete sets of the 3 TV series: Perry Mason, Person of Interest, and The Fugitive are not in the stacks. (These are favorites of mine.)

I would have thought thrillers/action dramas would be a bigger pile. Then too, sometimes what we own depends a lot on what's in the discount bins. Anyway, here are the category piles
stacks of DVDs

I organized them, got them back in the shelves.
organized DVDs

Then I selected Minority Report and settled in to watch it. Of course, now I'm feeling better, but hopefully I can get to sleep at a more normal time tonight.

See Putter, Putter, Scrape


  1. Good job on the organizing. I don't have many DVDs and the ones I have are mostly Christmas movies. I had to toss all the VHS tapes I had because they were store in the crawl space and it was too damp in there for them.

  2. Lulu: "Ooh, our Dada only has a handful of DVDs and they're kind of disorganized in his closet. He has a few 3D Blu-Rays though and those are nicely arranged in a cabinet, even though he never watches them ..."

  3. Yeah, the technology for media changes way to quickly these days. Of course, 100 years ago, "popular media" was just getting started!


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