Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, November 24, 2023

Two Spaces Done

Two of the spaces in the pantry are now clean and organized. Parts of some others, but no picture until they are done!

This is the northeast wall- the one that had to have two shelves removed to get the freezer out. Everything is clean and sorted. This section was previously well-organized. It was just filthy from the mice.
clean pantry

This is my camping storage. I did get rid of some things so that stuff fits better. I tend to keep too many containers/bags etc. that "might be useful." I still want to keep some of those kinds of things, but I really don't need as many as I had!
camping gear storage

In 1992 we moved from 3000 square feet to 1900, even so, I thought this pantry was going to have enough storage space. Ha! Not even close. I am hoping to reduce things enough in this cleaning round that the floor is not pretty much covered as well as the shelves.

Omer is anxious to have the mess cleaned up. Me too, but I really need to empty and clean the shelves opposite the first set above. They too are f-i-l-t-h-y. It just seems wrong to clean one side and not the other. But that can probably be done without covering the entire house.

Om took a car full of stuff to recycle. That helped.

In other news: I did client work in the morning. I worked on the pantry and wrote. Vacation from DMS is up to 16,361 words.

See Saying Goodbye to the GE Freezer


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