Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve Standard

  I post this every year, just changing the date. It's the point of my life, not just my blog. Sure, not-so-quality things happen to me. Am I being dishonest by not sharing those? Maybe in a sense, but I'm sure you have enough not-so-quality events of your own. I know how I feel about the people who are forever lamenting their difficulties. You may care, but it just gets tiresome. I'd rather be uplifting than tiresome.

So here's my standard plan for the next year.
new year's resolution

And I'll also reiterate the blessing I found online and shared at the end of my big hike in June. This is just perfect as far as I'm concerned.

I hunkered down and worked really hard on a volunteer project that I need to get done. Not quite there, but I worked until my eyes started to cross.

See The Final Steps


  1. That is a great plan for the year. Happy New Year.

  2. Ann- it's a plan that seems to work!

    Lulu et al- back atcha!


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