Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Searching for a Touch of Spring

 I am in northwest Ohio, and the NCT is just across the road in Oak Openings Metropark. Had to take a little walk.
Oak Openings metropark

Just for the oddity of it, here is yet another method of marking turns on the NCT. When the land manager does not allow the standard blazing, creative things happen. The thing I'm talking about is the little arrow on top of a single blaze.
trail markers

Since I am far south of my latitude, I was hoping I would find some wildflowers. For a while there, it didn't seem as if I would find any. But the skunk cabbage is already getting leaves, so I was hopeful.

Yeah! I did find some Virginia Spring Beauty. Claytonia virginiana
virginia spring beauty

One alien roadside plant, but I'll pretty much take anything that is blooming. This is purple Deadnettle, Lamium purpureum
purple deadnettle

This is pretty cool- a red admiral was flitting around
red admiral butterfly

We had a nice dinner. Chicken and salad/salsa and tater tots.
buffet dinner

Total miles hiked in 2024: 186.6 of which 66.6 is North Country Trail.

North Country Trail, Oak Openings Metropark, Ohio. Reed Rd to Whitehouse-Swanton Road and back, plus road. 2.8 miles

In other news: Marianne helped me make some good decisions about the formatting of my book and then I worked on it for a few hours.

See A Day of Favorites


  1. Looks like it was a nice day for a hike.
    Dinner sure looks tasty.

  2. Grew up near oak openings park, many boy scout hikes on their 17 mile trail. That and hiking along towpath trails were my introduction to backpacking.

  3. I'd love to get out in the woods, but I do remember those spring wildflowers.

  4. Ann- we are doing a bit too much eating

    Doug- cool! I didn't know that

    Stew- can you get out at all?


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