Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Random Visitor

  This is not my favorite visitor, but I guess it's better than the red squirrels. This is a fox squirrel. S/he has been running across the deck rail all month. No good pictures. The only advantage to a fox squirrel is it's not trying to get into the house like the red squirrels did.

Lousy picture, but I am trying to stay focused on work today, not pictures
fox squirrel

I am having to go through the campsites list yet again and change some format because I need to cut down the total number of pages. Just full-out panic mode now. Back to work. Tomorrow, I have to get ready for the Muskegon Lakeshore Art Fair on the weekend. I'll have some time for the book, but not all day. I am not at the goal I was shooting for.

Hey, I just discovered the sky is really pretty right now, so that's quality!

See Just Hangin' Out


  1. A visitor who doesn't make a nuisance out of himself is always good.


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