Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 The sunrise was like a wildfire. This looks more like a sunset at my house, framed on the left with the pines. But I assure you, I woke up early, and there was this outside! (besides, the sun hasn't gone down yet today, so it couldn't be today's sunset anyway)
red sunrise

And I can't resist showing you the 'Wildfire' sedum again. This is definitely in the running for my favorite plant purchase of the year. I need to get more of the geranium pulled away from nearby because the height of the geranium is preventing it from showing off as nicely. I cropped the photo so you can't see how it is being overshadowed.

I've formatted for 6 hours today, plus shopping and an hour of volunteer stuff. I'd really like to do one more hour if my eyes will stand it. That way, I'm pretty sure I can finish this round of formatting tomorrow.

See SunSparkler Sedums


  1. What a beautiful sunrise. A nice way to start the day. I like the color of that seum too.

  2. Ann- yeah, the sunrises aren't usually stripy like that, so it was neat.

  3. Charlee: "Oh boy! We saw 'wildfire' and got a little nervous! Glad to hear it was just pretty skies and flowers!"


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