Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Got My 100 with Randall and Tanya

  Randall gets around, as many of you know. He's working on the NCT in NY and MI now, having finished OH and PA. Today, Tanya and I hiked with him along the Manistee River. Here we are at the one marker on the Cadillac-Traverse City Old Indian Trail that is also on the NCT.

Most of the hike is on the high bluffs above the Manistee River with great views of the river oxbows. I guess the last few times I've hiked this were in spring or fall when there were fewer leaves and you could see more of the river. Very lush today!
Manistee River oxbow

However, the trail also dipped down to some places of deeper woods, like the crossing of Anderson Creek.
Anderson Creek

Nice little bridge for a dry passage.
Anderson Creek bridge

The big news of the day for me is that I completed my Hike 100 Challenge for the year. I forgot to check what my actual mileage was before leaving home, but was sure that I'd have passed 100 miles after doing 8. That took us to the Indian Trail marker, which seemed like a perfect place. Now that I'm home and have checked, I actually completed it two miles before this, so closer to Anderson Creek, but who cares? I got it. Year 9 for me (and anyone else who's done it since the challenge began).
person completing NCT 100 mile challenge

New plant sighting for this year is Maple-Leaf Viburnum, a shrub. This is a very tiny one.
Maple leaf viburnum

We hiked 10.1 miles. Not the longest since last year, but only the 3rd time I've done more than 10 miles in a day. I wasn't sure I'd be able to work up to 10-mile days again. It doesn't feel great, but I'm not incapacitated. I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow.

Miles hiked so far in 2024: 259.3. NCT miles hiked 104.4.

North Country Trail, Wexford County, MI. Highbanks Rollway to Harvey Bridge. 10.1 miles

See Still Along the Manistee


  1. Looks like a lovely section of Trail. could you tell me where we started and ended? A friend and I hope to come over to west MI (from the Ann Arbor area) this summer to hike some of NCT trail. I find the maps and even one of the guidebooks to be rather intimidating to someone who has never done any of the NCT. So a couple of suggestions would be great.

  2. Beautiful place for a hike. Congrats on reaching the 100 miles again.

  3. Ellie- I always try to put the location of the hike in the small print at the end. Highbanks Rollway to Harvey Bridge. North Country Trail.

    Ann- there are so many beautiful places along this trail!

  4. Lulu: "Congratulations on getting your 100! And that looks like a great place to wander and sniff!"


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