Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wing Interpretive Trail

 I discovered a new trail in my own county yesterday! Granted, it's not very long, but I'm pretty knowledgeable about such things, so I was surprised. It's located at the county fairgrounds, and called the Wing Interpretive Trail. It's natural surface, shaded for most of it, and has labels for various trees. Only 0.3 miles long. You can close the loop via another 0.1 mile of pavement or turn around and go back for another 0.3 miles. If it's not blastingly hot, you can also walk around the fairgrounds on various unshaded paved paths.
shaded trail

There is a shaded clearing with a bench.
bench along a trail

On the walk through the fairgrounds, I saw this nice chainsaw carving of a horsehead by one of the arenas.
chainsaw carving of horse head

There were some pretty plantings, although most are getting past prime now. This yellow butterfly bush with a purple geranium (maybe 'Rozanne') looked good.
butterfly bush and geranium

A couple of days ago, I made Winter Cobbler (a favorite around here), and I've been eating it for my breakfasts. Very yum. Pears, grapes, apples, touch of orange. Maybe one more pan of it in my future.
winter cobbler

In other news: I got up at a good time, worked on necessary tasks all morning. Spent most of the afternoon on the rock garden and plant records. Walked 2.1 miles nearby.

Miles hiked in 2024: 397.7

See Winter and Winter Cobbler


  1. That sounds like a perfect day. The cobbler sounds good.

  2. Any day I find a new trail, even a short one, is awesome!

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyy, a short trail means plenty of time for sniffing!"

  4. Bean- The Mason Co Animal Shelter is just around the corner, and lots of doggos get walked by volunteers here, so there is lots to sniff


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