You might also remember that I've been trying to track down where their demonstration garden is located. I'm pretty sure it's in Hudsonville, MI, and is part of Garden Solutions, which also creates the Chick Charms brand of Sempervivum. Well, that's a bunny trail for today. (But only for today.)
What I want to do today is show you all the Sunsparkler varieties that I currently own.
Before I even knew that the trademark was going to become of great interest to me, I bought this one as a reward for a week of hard work in 2020. It came from Wal-Mart, and as you have heard me complain yesterday, was not labeled as to the variety. But it has to be 'Dream Dazzler,' patented in 2019. The original was a single sport of the already hybrid 'Plum Dazzled' (which is solid purple and much taller). I've already split this a couple of times, so I can't complain that the original clump isn't much larger than when it started. The leaf bi-color is stunning.

The second one I bought in 2023. It's 'Lime Twister.' I liked it so much I bought a second one at the end of the season last year. Here's what that first one looks like now. It spreads well, and is filling in this space. The newer one isn't quite as large yet, but it's also doing fine. 'Lime Twister' was released in 2015.
Not long after getting 'Lime Twister,' I looked up the Sunsparkler series and realized these were going to seriously be plants I wanted to acquire. In fact, I confess to being covetous. So much so, I ordered two plants. Well, this is often not too satisfactory. You get some tiny sprig of the plant for an exorbitant price. Nevertheles, I ordered 'Cherry Tart' and 'Dazzleberry.'
'Cherry Tart' is a bright red-purple. It's doing OK, but it certainly doesn't spread very quickly. That said, it's looking a little bigger than it did this spring, and my purchase last year only got me one little stalk. Interestingly enough, this is no longer listed in their official catalog, so perhaps it hasn't been as successful as some of the other hybrids.
The 'Dazzleberry' has dark blue-black leaves which I love. I might have gotten two sprigs of this for my $8.99 plus shipping. :/ (that's what greed costs). When it gets large enough to bloom, the flowers are a bright raspberry color. Meanwhile, it seems to be slowly getting larger.
By now, I was actively on the prowl for other varieties created by Sunsparkler. I have found three more this year. The first one I found is 'Firecracker.' I almost wouldn't care what color the flowers are, the leaf color and spread is so great. The flowers are supposed to be magenta. I've only had this a month, and it's spreading fast.
A week later I came across 'Wildfire.' I wildly love this. It spreads quickly and the colors are spectacular. I've already pulled off one sprig to get it started in another place. Just for contrast in price. I got this entire large plant for $6.99. Interestingly enough, this one was developed from a sport of the previous one, 'Firecracker,' in 2014. It's supposed to get rose pink flowers. I've had this less than a month and you can see it's already growing new shoots.
Then I saw this one at Wal-Mart a few days ago. And I'm really sure this is 'Lime Zinger,' one of the first ones Sunsparkler released. I love the growth form as seen from the top. Very concentric.
Now, mostly for my own reference, I'll list the Sunsparkler varieties I don't yet have:
'Plum Dazzled' - dark purple leaves and it grows upright rather than spreading
'Angelina's Teacup' - pretty much like Angelina, but it stays small and doesn't spread all over so much.
'Cosmic Comet' - very blue foliage and low growing (apparently popular- it's sold out in their catalog)
'Dazzling Dynamite' - a lot like Dream Dazzler but add orange to the two shades of purple/pink
'Jade Tuffet' - more upright habit with pointed green leaves and pink flowers
'Saphire Tuffet' - taller and upright, with smoky-blue serrated leaves and hot pink flowers (new 2024)
'Blue Elf' - one of the first ones released, a low mound of blue leaves with purple flowers
That might be all the choices for now.
There was a breeze all day which saved the weather from being oppressive. I did a lot of editing and a good bit in the gardens. I might go out for another 15 minutes yet this evening.
![]() | See Sorting Out Sedums |
Lulu: "Our Dada says you could do a post entitled 'Is It the Name of a Sedum Variety or a Candy?' and it would be pretty tough to get them right!"
Lulu- this company seems to like themes. All their ice plants have fruit names.
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