Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

More Pink

 The Sempervivum arachnoideum is blooming. Most of the Sempervivum have pink daisy-like flowers similar to this. It appears that the "hens and chicks" with yellow flowers are technically in the genus Jovibarba, although some call that a sub-genus of the Sempervivum.

A fun fact is that there are only three species of Jovibarba, and I seem to have two of them! That can be a topic for another day.
sempervivum arachnoideum blooming

The other pink right now is the Seven Sisters rose I hate. Since I only like it one week a year, at least it deigned to bloom while I am home. The rest of the time I have to just keep cutting it back while wearing heavy gloves, and watching for random thorns in everything near it.

On the other hand, I am going to miss seeing several flowers I really like. But... one can't have full-time garden and travel, both.

I am editing until I can't stand to sit and look at the computer. Making progress, but not fast enough. Still too wet to garden. We had another 1.3 inches of rain last night.

See The Almost Annual Picture of the Rose I Hate


  1. Java Bean: "Ayyy, random thorns and blooms for only one week? Are you sure that thing isn't a cactus?"

  2. I really like the flowers on the first one.

  3. Java- I think I'd prefer a cactus. It would have off-season interest.

    Ann- me too!


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