Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, May 13, 2024

Purple Parade

 After I looked at the pictures, I decided this is an interesting collection. Individually, most people would call all of these purple (maybe with some fading off to maroon, but if you had to pick one of the 6 basic colors, most people would pigeonhole them into purple).

The first one is PURPLE purple. This is Jewel Baby Iris, and it's the first time it's bloomed in a while. So far this year, I've had two blossoms. It's about 4 inches tall.
Jewel Baby iris

We all call these purple lilacs- just the old farmstead standby. But compared to the Jewel Baby they look pink.
light purple lilacs

The Sempervivum sp. 'Arachnoidea' looks really nice. The one I used to have was smaller and green. It's long dead. This one came from Betsy, and it's certainly pushing purple. Its friend is Sedum reflexum, what I call "blue spruce sedum." I've had this forever from a freebie pile. It spreads easily and sprawls all over but never looks all that great. Well! I guess I now know what it needs to look better. In two places where a clump is crowded between rocks it has made this nifty "fountain spray." I like these together.
spiderweb hen and chicks

Found the Sedum 'Cherry Tart!' This is another of the Sunsparkler hybrids. I actually ordered this and got a tiny, tiny sprig for $7 plus shipping. I really wasn't expecting to see it this spring. And then, I wasn't sure where I put it. But I at least got it labeled, even if it didn't get in the notebooks. This is going to be gorgeous when it starts to spread. You might almost call this red compared to some of the purples. Keep in mind this is clump is about 2" on a side. But, it's no smaller than when I planted it, and it's alive.
cherry tart sedum

Just for reference, these are true purple; I think we'd all agree. Plain old common violets, but they fill in open spaces nicely.

And for today's final purple, here's Sedum 'Ezawe' again. I showed you this earlier, and thought it looked more blue then, but maybe not. Today it seems purple. I do like the plants that display multiple colors depending on the time of year, the light, etc. As a reminder, I wasn't sure this one was going to make it, but it seems very happy so far this year.
sedum ezawe

Today was packed full. I worked on some volunteer stuff. I did 108 miles of campsites. I was interviewed by "Senior Games" for a podcast. It will be out in a couple of weeks, and I'll post a link when I get it. I managed to work for an hour in the rock garden.

I'm tired, but that's the way I like to end the day.

See Sedum Scramble

Sunday, May 12, 2024

M/B - Day

 Omer was born on Mother's Day. That was in 1940. He hit M-Day again in 1946, 1957, 1963, 1968, 1974, 1985, 1991, 1996, 2002, 2013, 2019, and this year, 2024.

His mom, Be (Bernice) with #1 kiddo, Om, in 1940. Hard to believe that little butterball is Om.
mother and baby 1940

He probably wanted a bottle that year. Today he asked for steak. Grimace. I haven't cooked a steak in over 35 years. But I succeeded.
t-bone steak

We used to each eat one of those. Ha! This time one steak is making 3 servings. We had all we wanted, and there is a little bit left. Added some asparagus, and that was all we needed. He also asked for a Coke.

Please note that the dining room has not exploded into a project space yet. That's a full week. I'm getting antsy.
man eating a steak

And, I found the picture I wanted to show you on Mother's Day last year, but couldn't locate. This is Granny, Mom, and me probably in late 1949.
three generations 1949

I got my 100 miles of campsites done, worked in the garden, and spent time on a project for someone else.

See Birthday Boy

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sedum Scramble

 This is a report on how some of the many sedums are doing. Also, Since I got some of them last year at maturity, I'm learning what those ones look like as they come up. I'm posting all these partly for you, and partly as a record for me. I think we'll do some today, and some another day.

One that is strikingly different in spring is 'Angelina.' Later in the summer it has light green, sprawling leaves and a tall yellow flower. You can see that at the link below. Here's how it looks now.
Sedum Angelina

Another that I did not have at the beginning of last year is 'Thundercloud." This one gets tall with white blossoms (also in link at end). I like the little mounds it's in now. Both of these two were gifts from Betsy.
Sedum Thundercloud

This is one I bought last year. I had previously killed a couple, but the lady at the store said she'd never had one die, so I tried again. It looked so pathetic last year that I never even showed you. I split the very crowded pot into three spaces, and it looks like two of them have survived, and are doing well for sure. It's Sedum hispanicum 'Pinkie.' It stays very small. I think maybe white flowers. I'll just have to be surprised later.
Sedum hispanicum pinkie

And one more I bought last year that did well, and it looks like it is still very happy. This is 'Bright Idea.' It looks very much like it did last year, but that is just fine. This was about the size when I bought it, and it looks the same in May now, so I hope it will spread as the season progresses.
Sedum bright idea

And just because I like it so much, although I've had it a couple of years, this is 'Dream Dazzler.' I split it last year, and both clumps look fine, although this is the biggest.
Sedum dream dazzler

Finally for today, one I've had forever. I'm not even sure where I got it. Probably free from Matthaei Botanical Garden. Sometimes it looks good, sometimes straggly. But I like how it's filling in around my turtles. This is (I think) Sedum rubrotinctum 'Pork and Beans.' That said, my leaves have never gotten as large as most of the documentation says, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is. You can see a little pink sedum between the turtles. Hope I can find a record of what I put there. It might be 'Cherry Tart,' since I only had a little sprig of that.
pork and beans sedum

It was a little chilly to work outside very much. I mostly worked on the book, but this section is hard. So far, only 53 miles done for today.

Tomorrow is looking like it might be a real outside day!

See 2023 Rock Garden Report 4

Friday, May 10, 2024

That Line of Flowering Trees

 In 2016, I discovered a beautiful line of flowering trees only a half mile from my house. I think they had been hidden before, but a business expanded their parking and removed some other trees that were blocking it from view. It has only improved since being opened up to the sun on this side. It was spectacular this year.
row of flowering trees

Here's a closeup of one section.
flowering trees

Mostly, it was bye-bye to Steve as I dropped him at the airport.
airport drop off zone

We both made it to our homes safely. I have managed 70 miles of campsites so far, and spent some time weeding the rock garden. Some of the slower-growing sedums are starting to look nice. Maybe that will be tomorrow's topic. We'll see if I can make myself do 30 more miles tonight. I finished Pennsylvania, and have to move into New York. That requires me to use a different mapping system to get the info, so we'll see how easily that is going to work.

See Guess

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Party's Almost Over

 Wow. We played even more games, although most of them not for points. Steve basically dictated what we did. He's here so seldom that we pretty much let him choose the activities when he does come. Josh is happy to have family time that is more fun than just being here with me alone. I can't sustain the party atmosphere with just two people. Frankly I can't sustain the party atmosphere much longer than a couple of days. I was almost too tired from the cleaning to get the game board set up and organized, even though I'd planned it all way back in Decemeber. But I'm sure glad I did. Steve said he had a great time, and he had a chance to get some much-needed rest.

The prize board was pretty nearly cleared, although no one went for the gift cards, which surprised me a little bit. The numbers on the hooks are game points that have been exchanged for the prizes. However, that big stack of points on the upper left hook will be a donation to Peace Trees, as I explained last night.
prize board after prizes were claimed

We got the nicest family picture we've managed for years. Since Steve has this aversion to being posted on line, I cut out most of him, but you can see that it's a nice photo. The last family picture was in 2018. Of course the green background helps make a good picture.
family photo

Steve did let me take a picture of his Star Wars shirt.

Tomorrow morning, I take him back to the airport.

Omer said he might just sit at the dining room table for a while to enjoy looking at the cleaned area. I said all that open space was just screaming for me to start another project. So goes our lives.

See Game Day!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Game Day!

 We had a leisurely morning, and then went out for lunch.

After that... we always pack in the games whenever Steve comes home. The trick is to find ones that all four of us can play and are willing to play (Each of us really dislikes at least one of these). Some are traditional ones. Sorry works.
playing the game Sorry

It's become something of a tradition that I come up with some silly things that are different each time.
ball wrapped in plastic wrap

The biggest drawback to this has been that I haven't been really successful at finding prizes that people actually wanted. So this year, I made an "Easter Basket" board with prizes on them that we had to earn game points to acquire. There were various things ranging from 3 points for a snack, 5 or 10 for some small items, and several were for gift cards of the winners choice for 20 or more points. So anyone could choose something they wanted, and not get stuck with something they didn't want.

And how did one amass points? The winner of each game got 3 points, second place got 2, and third place got 1 point.
game prize board

Oh, you want to know what that ball was for?

There were point tickets wrapped in plastic wrap around a basketball. You had to unwrap it to get the tickets. But each person only got to unwrap until the next person threw doubles with a pair of dice. And, wait... You had to wear work gloves while unwrapping. There was one 5-point ticket in there, and Steve got that one.
playing a game with a ball wrapped in plastic wrap

This game involved finger shooting weird stretchy plastic chickens and trying to knock over the targets.
shooting finger chickens

Another standard game we like is Waterworks. Steve has decided he doesn't want me to show pictures of him, so you are basically getting random body parts of his.
playing Waterworks

We did several more regular games, Uno, Cootie, one called Trash, and Old Maid.

But this was the super silly one. I wan't sure I could get them to play it, but they did. We played in teams. One person is throwing something at the other one.
throwing corn curls

But what? The reciever was wearing a shower cap covered with shaving cream. The thrower was tossing cheese curls. Despite all the protests about it being gross, everyone played. That's a win for me! (P.S. Shaving cream really stinks! How do guys put that on their faces?)
shower cap covered with cheese curls

One of the most rewarding things for me is that one of the prize choices was trading points for donations to an organization I discovered this past year called Peace Trees. It was founded about 30 years ago by Vietnam Veterans. They work to disarm live ammunition that is still being found in Vietnam, and to then replant trees in the areas that were so dangerous. A significant number of the prize points were traded for that.

And, we still have one more day together! We may play some games, but not the crazy stuff for points.

Yes, this was a lot of fun. No, I do not want to do this every day. But every few years is great.

See Got Him!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Got Him!

 The kiddo is here, and we ate at the clean table. Om says we better do that quick before I start another project. I forgot that Steve has decided he doesn't like pictures, but he'll have to let me take a few because I'm the mom.
family eating dinner

None of us like the same foods (and there are a lot of things Josh can't eat), so I just baked a bunch of potatoes and put them out with toppings. I did make a mixed fruit bowl that went over well, too. So the meal was a success.

No writing, editing, or even opening of the book file happened. And, probably nothing is going to happen yet tonight. I am totally beat. Steve had to get up early to catch his plane, so he already went to bed. The biggest treat for him of this week will be not having to go to work. He says the best part is "no meetings." Omer went to bed because he had to leave his conference early to get Steve at the airport and then drive home. So I'm the "last one standing" at only 7:30 pm!

See Fun and Games

Monday, May 6, 2024

Close Enough!

 I'm starting with the trailer loaded to go to the township cleanup day last Saturday. That's because the long-term solution to my house cleaning problem is that a lot of stuff has to GO. Well, we made another little dent in it.
utility trailer loaded

One big issue on my list was the sink I was unable to unclog very well last summer. The reason there are so many links at the end of this post is that although this iteration of "the big sort" is nothing like really cleaned up, it's light-years better than the previous working status events shared at various times over the last year.

Got the fitting apart without much trouble. I guess I was just too frustrated after the big toilet fix in July to apply myself to the problem. The assembly that holds the stopper under the sink is just a little too long to fit nicely between the pipe and the wall, and it's a pain in the you-know-what. But I got it apart. Here's the culprit.
clog from a bathroom sink

A video would have shown this better, but I think you can get the idea that the water is gushing, and not collecting in a pool. Just because it's mandatory, I have to tell you again that I hate plumbing.
water running in a bathroom sink

One big piece of cleaning up the house was to open the trailer for the summer. I can't leave cushions or fabrics in it over the winter because I've had problems with mold. So the cushions and all kinds of stuff have also been piled in the dining room. Long term, I have no good storage options unless I do serious cleaning in our one good outbuilding. Not happening soon.

So, I uncovered and started airing Sunny out a couple of days ago.
small travel trailer

I'd been getting the cushion covers washed over the winter, so I did the final two. Put everything back together and did a moderate cleaning. No immediate plans for us to go traveling, but I want Steve to be able to see my Sunny.
interior small travel trailer

Now for the inside spaces. Here's the living room. Still stuff piled behind where I am, but this is an amazing amount of usable space given what it was. I still have to run the vacuum cleaner, but I'll get that done.
living room

And I saved the stunning transformation for last. OK, there are still piles you can't see in the picture off to the left, and not everything got dusted, but I am rather amazed that I was able to sort and condense what was there enough to basically clear the necessary space to use the table.
dining room

I still also have to clean the upstairs bathroom, but that's not a huge project. It just needs a quick cleanup.

Steve will be here about 2 pm tomorrow. I have a car full of stuff to recycle in the morning, and a trip to the store to do.

Let's not talk about all I did not get done. I know this still isn't anything like CLEAN. But little by little it's getting done. Maybe I'll live long enough to sort it all. The next crisis will be to get the lawnmower going.

No writing happened except to edit a couple of files in response to some emails that gave me up-to-date info on some places.

I'm whipped, but I do hope to run the vacuum yet, and maybe start on the bathroom.

See My Little Sausage
See Acountability 101
See Dining Room and Trailer Tetris
See Ain't It Fun?

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Flowering Trees

 Gosh! I love these days of the full blossoms on the trees.

Here's the crab apple.
crab apple tree in blossom

And the cherry. Usually all I get is blossoms and no fruit that survives the birds, but who knows?
cherry tree in blossom

I totally missed getting a picture of the pear trees. Yesterday they looked nice. Today they are all done!

But my favorite is the apple anyway.
apple blossoms against blue sky

Even though I'm not fond of pink, I love how the buds start out bright pink, but then when they open, they are white.
apple blossoms

And, there have been several of these gorgeous spring days. Here's another mood of my backyard. Even though my kingdom has been getting squeezed, I still have this view.
springtime meadow with trees

I want you to know that I worked my little tail off today. Tomorrow you'll get to see the accomplishments. But I wrote a column in the morning, did laundry, worked on the house, but got only 78 miles of campsites done. I might get a few more done yet, but I'm kinda beat, and the next 100 miles are going to be a lot of work.

See Just Wow!
See Fruity?
See all the moods of my backyard