I don't really do moss IDs. Just never got around to learning all the words you need to do it right. But... they are GREEN! And important color at this time of year.
Here's another that's just showing some growth.

Love these colors- very rich!

"What's all the fuss?" Maggie asks. Nothing profound today. Just some nice pics from yesterday.
I like looking at moss, but I doubt I'll ever learn to identify it. There are just so many things to learn in nature. But who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and learn it all one day.
I find mosses & liverworts fascinating even bought a field guide published by the bryological society - I also thought about learning about them but I think I have enough to keep me occupied for now :)
I've been in Sacramento since Wednesday, visiting my son and his wife. It's so pretty here with the flowers blooming, many of the trees covered with blossoms
( mainly the fruit trees ). We've been out walking the dogs in the evenings afer the 80 degree temperatures have cooled off a bit. I haven't seen any moss but the rosemary is beautiful, with its bright blue flowers. I picked some as we passed to use it for cooking my lamb last night...delicious.
Right now I'm happy with any green I can get. It's been so long since I've seen any other than in pictures ;)
Isn't it great to watch that familiar life starting anew? But then life goes on even in the heart of winter.
Ratty- if you learn it all in one day, be sure to contact me, and I'll hire you for lessons!
Carol- I have several books too, but I always seem too interested in other things.
Carmen- how nifty... to pick your herbs fresh while walking!
Ann- I KNOW! I just am LONGING for green things.
Chuck- it does, but I'm having a serious case of Spring Fever.
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