Entries to Win Afghan

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Contest Day - Win an Ad for a Month

Here we go with another game that's a combination of blog love, and creative writing. Entries are due by 11:59 pm, November 30, EST. Email to jhy@t-one.net

There are three parts to this game.
1. Get the "key" - it was given in an earlier post. If you didn't get it, or don't know where to look, enter the word "key" in the upper left corner search box, and hunt for it. But if you got it earlier, this step is already done.

2. Get the words. Here's how. Using the key, figure out a series of numbers based on the alphabet order of the letters in the key word. For example, if the key were "DOG," the numbers are 4, 15, 7 (D is the 4th letter of the alphabet, etc). Then visit the following blog entries. (They were selected from entries in last month's top commenters' blogs, and last month's contest winner.) Count words from the beginning of the entry till you get to the number from the key. For example. If the key is DOG, and the first entry were this post, then you need word #4. That would be "with." Now, here's a clue. None of the actual words are pronouns, conjunctions, etc. They are all words with substance.

3. Write a story using all of the words. Any topic, any meaning of the words, any length. You must have found the correct words to win. The stories will be judged by some impartial "panel" of people that I can snag on December 1.

Here are the blog posts to use. They are in the correct order to match the key.
Falling Behind by Ann
White Mushrooms by Nature Center Magazine
Graveyard Picnic by Ivy
Lonely Nights by Carmen
Earth Hour by rainfield
Dennis's Diary of Destruction by Dennis the Vizsla Dog

Remember, email your entry to jhy@t-one.net by 11:59 pm, November 30, EST. HAVE FUN!


Jackie said...

Oh boy I was already in bed and remembered this.

My satellite company has me cut back to almost a stand still. they also sent me a warning that I am getting close to being down completely until I drop below 70%. I am sitting at 82%.

I did upgrade and I am hoping I can visit tomorrow and take the time to try to figure this out.

Oh my...math for a Psyche and art major and,and.....a blond????LOL!!!

I hope you had a glorious day!!

John | English Wilderness said...

Yay, time to get started :-)

Unfortunately I was on holiday for the last one :-(

Ann said...

I never got to the last one but I'm doing this one for sure. After I get home from work I'm getting started on it.

spinninglovelydays said...

I'll really try to do this one. I got crazy busy last time and never got around to joining although I'd meant to.

Sharkbytes said...

Welcome, potential contestants! Jackie- I don't think the math is too tough. I suspect you can count to 26!

Liz said...

I've sent an email with my entry. :)

Hope you get it. Thanks!

humble opinion by sirrob said...

I have sent my entry in your way already. I also sent you a separate email regarding the badge thing. thanks

sir rob

Liz said...

Haven't received a confirmation email. :(

Am I in?