Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, January 15, 2021

Best of 2020 - Best Purchases

  I predicted that new camping gear items would be the winners for 2020, because I knew I would be buying so much new stuff. Almost all my old gear was purchased 1992-1994, and was just plain tuckered out. Some of the new gear was bound to be good, eh?

Well, fortunately, two of the big ticket items make the list. Early in the year, I got a brand new backpack after 28 years. I'm pretty happy with it. Her name is Modestine, nickname "Teeny." Here's the story of how this pack was chosen, and her naming, at Meet Modestine. It's a Gossamer Gear Mariposa 60L pack. Since I'm outrageously unhappy with some of my new gear, being generally pleased puts this in the win category. backpack

The other expensive piece of gear that I'm happy with is the boots I just got. These are Oboz Rainier winter hiking boots. You might remember that I've switched totally to trail runners for 3 seasons. But you really need boots to hike in the snow unless you want wet, frozen feet all the time. My right ankle bone and the boot are having a discussion, but they are slowly coming to a compromise. I've worn them for quite a few miles already, even though I just got them for Christmas. The heels don't slip, the toes don't scream, and they are keeping my feet dry and warm. See Maybe I've Grown Up for more about the boots. Oboz Rainier boots

The final best purchase is also a piece of hiking gear, although much less pricey. I wasn't sure how it was going to work out, but I've worn it all year long as either a sweatshirt or as one layer on colder days. I'm very happy with it. Well, except for the useless pockets, but I guess you can't have everything. I got this on closeout, but it was made by Dickies- not really a hiking brand, but it fits well and does the job. And I can do something about the pockets if I really want to. See New Sweatshirt Replacement for more details.
Dickies Jacket

I did buy some useful things for the trailer, but I guess they don't rise to the level of "best." Mostly, they are just functional, which is good, but sort of ho-hum.

In other news: I did another session of the on-line class I'm taking. I worked on some editing. I worked on a pet project. So much for today.

See Best Purchases of 2019


  1. Glad you are pleased with your purchases

  2. Hooray! Why is it so difficult to find just the right gear?! It's definitely a lot of research, trial and error. I can't tell you how many tents we have gone through. I think my REI tent is the best though. well worth the money.

  3. Ann- These are the ones that are good.

    Lin- It is such a pain to find the right thing!


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