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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Carrot Cake

  I don't believe I've made a carrot cake since I started blogging 14+ years ago. But I was definitely craving one. I put in walnuts, but I forgot raisins. That would have made it even better. Maybe it won't be 14 years before I make one again. Yum, yum.
carrot cake

In other news: I finished reading a book I chose for "research." It turned out to be not quite what I thought it would be, but it was interesting, so I finished it. At least it was unique. It was a humorous mystery set in Laos in 1979 with all the political intrigue you might expect from that place and time. I've certainly never read anything quite like it.

I dropped some things off at Cathy's and went grocery shopping. Took down one more table on which stuff was piled in the living room. There is actually a small bit of floor space there now as opposed to a single aisle.

See One Half Cake, One Whole Birthday


Ann said...

The cake looks good. Can't remember the last time I had carrot cake

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I've been really hungry for it. Just wish I'd remembered to throw in raisins.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Ooh, our Dada has several recipes for carrot cake, including one with lemon icing!"
Java Bean: "Why have I never seen him make it then?"
Lulu: "Because he is under strict orders from Mama not to make it on account of she will eat it all."