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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Dash-lined Looper

  I had a little visitor today. S/he spent all day sitting on my front door. Still there.

This is a little moth that mostly eats the needles of coniferous trees. The only choice anywhere near my front door is white pine, so I'm thinking it grew up feasting on white pine. Dash-lined Looper, Protoboarmia porcelaria.

They aren't much of a pest, and they aren't very showy. If I've seen one before, I didn't pay attention. It's less than 2" across.

I've been productive. Editing, still editing. Hopefully not forever editing. And did some garden work.

See Lygropia rivulalis


Ann said...

I've always wondered why moths tend to sit in one place for so long.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I have no idea!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Ooh, a moth! We loves moths!"
Chaplin: "We chase them and jump at them and bat at them and—"
Lulu: "—And maybe that's why they sit in one place for a long time. To avoid attracting the attention of cats."

Sharkbytes said...

C&C- you could have had fun with this one. It's not very special. You might find my bees interesting, but they have stingers.