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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Changing the Season

 It really began to feel like fall today. It rained all day and was much cooler.

I worked in the rock garden for 15 minutes in the rain, but mostly I sat in front of the computer. I uploaded the revised text of How to Hike the North Country Trail. Hopefully most of the errors are now gone, although I did see a couple of minor formatting things go by. Next time.

Then I worked on my pet project.

Cathy texted me at dinnertime and said she was starting a jigsaw puzzle. It was good to stop looking at the computer for a couple of hours. It's called "Cats in the Garden Shed," and here's how much we got done. It's a fun one- not super easy but not hard. She'll probably finish it without me. First one I've touched since June!
jigsaw puzzle cats in the garden shed

No walking of any merit was done.

See Almost Christmas, Almost July


Ann said...

Looks like a nice puzzle. Glad you were able to get computer work done while it rained.

Doug said...

Yes, it's almost puzzle season for me. Winter is usually prime time for me, but I may start early on a rainy autumn night. Attention span and space constraints limit me to 750 pieces or less.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I'll never run out of computer work!

Doug- it's a good time of year for it. I have a few I'm holding here, but right now I'm obsessed with computer projects

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "I would enjoy that puzzle, except if I were working on it would be called 'Cats on the Table Knocking Puzzle Pieces on the Floor' ..."