The others are NCT Hike 100, PA Hike 50, and FLT Hike 60 (usually 50, but they went with 60 in recognition of their 60th anniversary.)
Some of you know that I collect embroidered patches. My jacket is FULL, and I've figured out how I'd like to display the others, but that's sure not on my high priority list. Meanwhile, here are all the Hike 100 patches since they launched this in 2016. The little one was an extra in 2018 for 50 miles because it was also the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System.
In other news: blah, blah, all the regular projects, plus I got groceries. But I did purchase a train ticket for part of the trip east for the flower show. That was a lot harder than it should have been, but the cost is much cheaper than the drive would have been, and all I would do would be to park my car at Marie's for a week anyway. So that's settled!
Answers to the quiz:
A-3- Green ash, also called Pennsylvania or white ash. Fraxinus americana. The key feature is how the bark breaks into diamonds.
B-2- Shagbark hickory, Carya ovata. The key feature is those shaggy strips of peeling bark.
C-1- Eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis. I think this was the trickiest one I showed you, only because the bark is just flat rectangular plates. But the fact that it's an evergreen will give you lots more information when you encounter the actual tree.
D-3- Red pine, Pinus resinosa. The bark is scaly and reddish.
E-2- Honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos. I can always tell this from black locust because the name is so ironic. Honey sounds so sweet, but it has those terrible thorns.
F-3- Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis. The bark is so totally weird on these trees. It starts out with small ridges that develop into lumpy ridges and then into these totally whacko corky ridges.
G-1- American beech, Fagus grandifolia. The smooth gray bark is the key feature. Some maples are this smooth and gray when they are small, but at about 6 inches in diameter they start to break into furrows.
Thanks for playing!
![]() | See Hike 100 for Parkinsons |
Do you have the ANF hike patch for doing all of the miles there?
Lulu: "We never even heard of hackberry! It sounds like it's the kind of tree that breaks into other trees' computers!"
Unknown- yes, it was my first NCT patch. Got it in 1993
Lulu- Hackberry looks geeky enough to do that. It's an eastern species. Dada may have seen it sometime.
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