I always meant to show you this patch, but then I misplaced it. It surfaced today while I was sorting things. It represents hiking 100 miles in order to raise awareness of Parkinsons Disease. Hiking is a good way to help slow the progression.

This is not the Hike 100 Challenge that is sponsored by the North Country Trail Association. This patch is offered somewhat in conjunction with it, however. A supporter of the NCT, Paul Spoeltra, was diagnosed with Parkinsons a few years ago, and he decided to create this award in order to raise awareness of the disease.
Since my mom died of Parkinsons, I was especially interested in earning this patch. These 100 miles hiked can overlap with the miles for the NCTA Hike 100 Challenge, but I chose to count different miles. However, these miles do not have to be completed in one calendar year.

So, I got my patch! Paul is still operating this program. You can connect with him on Facebook at Hike for Parkinsons.
And, while we're at it, I put this on Facebook, but I'm going to stick it in here too, so I don't lose it. I didn't even do a very careful job of this, but I threw together some images of snarky candy hearts that work well for hikers. It got a ton of laughs and likes, so I want to be sure to not lose it.

In other news: I continued to be SO, so good today. However, I can feel the gears slipping on the "good" machinery. I had to beat myself into quite a bit of the program. I did enough shoveling that I could get out and in the driveway. I worked on accounts. I worked on volunteer stuff. I worked on cleaning and sorting. I finished the re-do of the second picture for Secret Cellar and started the third (but I need to get cracking on these so I can order more books). I started reading a book I promised to evaluate for someone (eye roll- I need to limit this activity or else get paid for it). I started putting together the next Books Leaving Footprints Newsletter.
Wish me luck to keep working hard on all this "good" stuff tomorrow.
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What a great way to raise awareness for Parkinson's. One of my uncles had the desease.
Those Valentine hearts are too funny.
Paul is a friend and before his retirement our financial advisor. We're still in touch on Facebook.
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