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Friday, May 10, 2024

That Line of Flowering Trees

 In 2016, I discovered a beautiful line of flowering trees only a half mile from my house. I think they had been hidden before, but a business expanded their parking and removed some other trees that were blocking it from view. It has only improved since being opened up to the sun on this side. It was spectacular this year.
row of flowering trees

Here's a closeup of one section.
flowering trees

Mostly, it was bye-bye to Steve as I dropped him at the airport.
airport drop off zone

We both made it to our homes safely. I have managed 70 miles of campsites so far, and spent some time weeding the rock garden. Some of the slower-growing sedums are starting to look nice. Maybe that will be tomorrow's topic. We'll see if I can make myself do 30 more miles tonight. I finished Pennsylvania, and have to move into New York. That requires me to use a different mapping system to get the info, so we'll see how easily that is going to work.

See Guess


Ann said...

Those trees are really pretty.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, those are some serious flowers all right! I wonder if I could—"
Lulu: "We all know what you're going to say and let me just stop you right there."