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Friday, February 7, 2025

"Just" a Sunset

 This is tonight's sunset. Nothing "special." Well, except that being granted the privilege to see one more sunset is certainly pretty special!
sunset through trees

I managed 90 minutes of work screen time today before my eye said "enough" and did over an hour of light work around the house. I wanted to show you part of what I worked on, but I can't find a critical piece of it. I'm rather baffled as to where it could be.

I felt pretty good, but I can tell that I'm allowing about the correct amount of "up" time because I begin to get tired after a while. It's all good. Just need to work to incraese my stamina.

See Windy


Ann said...

Nice sunset.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- it wasn't spectacular, but at least there was some yellow glow!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Our Dada says the thing you can't find will be in the last place you look! Which seems both likely to be true and not particularly helpful ..."