My "trail family" is very important to me.
I got a picture of four adults together who all attended the same Girl Scout Camp.
I increased my "friendship level" with a number of people this year.
I got to visit with a number of friends and relatives I haven't seen in a long time.
But for the best, I'm going to select meeting the members of my extended family that are descendants of my half brother John.
John had three children: Fredrick (Ricky), Jo-Anne, and Susanne. I learned a few years ago that Ricky died. He had a daughter Erin, and she has twin girls Elizabeth and Ellery. I had not seen JoAnn and Susanne since I was about 15, and they were younger. How did re-meeting them go?
In January 2024, I visited Jo-Anne (Jo-Jo) in Texas. There was an immediate connection
In July, I went east to visit Susanne, and to meet Erin, Liz and Ellery. Again... we just picked up like we'd been friends forever. I don't know if there is anything to the idea of "blood is thicker..." but it was almost strange.
I've spent my whole life with very few relatives, and I "lost" this branch of family after highschool. I'm delighted to reconnect.
In other news... this was not a stellar day. I like to talk about quality events on this blog, but sometimes people think that I never have to deal with the icky stuff. Of course I do, but I choose not to focus on it. I had plans for the day. But I didn't get to sleep until after 4 am last night. I woke up at 9:30. Had a headache. Started to get ready to do what I wanted to do. Still headache. And it turned into a migraine. This is a bit odd. I usually get one about every 3-4 years. This is two in the last month. Anyway, I threw up and had to go back to bed and not look at screens or words.
I have better hopes for tomorrow. Things seem to be OK now.
See Loss and Gain |