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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hiking- Cuyler Hill to Paradise Hill

I got home last night, and managed to get more done today than I thought I might. I am actually somewhat energized to work on some things, but pooped out earlier than I wanted to. Over the next three days I'm going to just tell you about my hiking.

Sunday, after the hike I shared a few days ago, I headed for Jackson Pond to set up our campsite. I got the tent and a kitchen tarp up, and some wood collected and stacked under plastic before it started to rain. I had planned to eat in camp, but headed for town instead. I had to call Marie to tell her where I had put our campsite, and there was no cell reception there. So I bought a grilled ham and cheese sandwich that was really yummy and inexpensive.

On Monday, I hiked alone. That meant that I had to hike both directions, so technically, I hiked from Paradise Hill to Paradise Hill. Walked 12 miles, but only made 6 miles of progress on the Finger Lakes Trail east of the North Country Trail.

painted trillium

Finally, I have found some painted trilliums at the peak of their beauty. These are fairly rare, and like acid, shady spots.

wood thrush

This is a wood thrush. It's not a good picture, but it is rare to actually see one. They are secretive, but once you've heard one you'll keep going to the woods just to hear their music again. It's a liquid trilling that just seems to fill the forest.


Nothing rare about this bright little fellow. Just a male goldfinch, but they are so cheerful! And he held still for me.

Cuyler Hill view

I ended with a climb up Cuyler Hill Road. This connected me with the location where the North Country Trail heads north, previously hiked by me another year. When I turned around to walk down, this was the great view. It was windy and threatening all day, but I never walked in the rain. When I drove back to the campsite it did start to rain, so I went to town for dinner and to get gas. Marie met me there (cell phones make that sort of thing possible). We were in the tent by 7:30, and it rained all night. We were dry but feeling a bit confined!


john bain said...

Blimey! What an active person you are. I feel quite inspired to take off on a long hike myself now.

gallerydarrow said...

Thanks for bringing us along. I like hiking alone, I see more wildlife too. Rain is not a welcome camping guest. Even the simplest food is delicious when your hungry :)

Emma Springfield said...

Your pictures are gorgeous, of course. A solitary hike is a good way to get in touch with nature and yourself.

Ann said...

I like going along on these hikes of yours, I never have to get up off my couch...lol
No matter how many goldfinches I take pictures of I never miss an opportunity to take another.

Ferd said...

Great hikes!
And wonderful wood thrush sighting! I so agree it sings the music beautiful song of all birdom!

Sharkbytes said...

John- DO it! I've heard there are lots of great trails on your side of the pond.

Ro- I do like hiking alone, but I prefer to not hike both directions.

Emma- It usually takes me a couple of days to calm down enough to fully appreciate it all.

Ann- now that's not the effect I'm supposed to have on you!

Ferd- It's amazing how well they can hide even when they are singing loudly, and nearby.

RNSANE said...

Another lovely day. I admire you so much for staying active. I wish I could make myself get off my duff and get a little exercise. Even though I use a walker most of the time, I could, at least, walk around Lake Merced here or along Great Highway, with an occasioal view of the Pacific.