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Sunday, August 7, 2011

On the Road

camping stuff on floor

This isn't even an accurate picture because I'm not taking Om's puffy mattress, or his heavy sleeping bag, or the big green tub, but I wasn't willing to move all that stuff for the picture.

By the time you see this, it should all have been packed in the car, and also unpacked and turned into a campsite in Ohio.

Who knows what adventures we will have? I'm expecting it all to be very tame, but we all know what happens to expectations, right?


Geri O'Hara said...

Road trip! You just never know what happens on a road trip...have a great time (I am a little green):)

john bain said...

I am looking forward to hearing all about it. Hope it's enjoyable for you and not too tame.

rainfield61 said...

My trip will be on this month end, with a lot of expectation.

vanilla said...

Awaiting the next chapter!

Ann said...

Happy trails to you :)

RNSANE said...

Well, since I've been reading backwards, I know all about your adventures already!