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Monday, November 25, 2024

Heron Art from the Paddling Excursion

 My friend, Bruce Micinski, drew this picture from the photo taken on September 27 on Round Lake. He does great work, eh?

This is the reference photo.

blue heron

This, and some other artsy things going on around me make me want to practice drawing again, but I really have way too many other things to do.

I wrote my column for MCP, interviewed someone for my LDN column, contemplated another issue in my own book, answered a bunch of questions for other people, did some work around the house. It just chews up the time.

See What a Perfect Morning


The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, that's a bird with a pointy nose!"

Ann said...

That's a fantastic drawing.

Sharkbytes said...

Java- it is! But s/he only stabs things like fish and frogs with it. I think you are safe.

Ann- He really does great work. I did not even know this until this year.