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Sunday, December 1, 2024

Family Creche 2024

 If you've been around, you know how this goes. All but the two sheep and the dog are from my mother's childhood. 1910s. The mentioned three are from my childhood.

And the RULE is that it has to be different every time I set it up. Well, I had a different plan from this, but it didn't work with the lights, which I'd already purchased. So... I did this. I also put it in a different place this year.
nativity scene

Trivia fact you may never need to use at all. The red berries I used on last year's set-up were Japanese barberry. The mice loved them. I sure didn't know they would eat them. But, they had pretty well destroyed the effect before Christmas last year. Tangential fact. I bought new, snappier traps a couple of weeks ago, and we may currently have the indoor mouse population in check.

You may also know that I have a hard time doing anything in moderation. So, this evening I made another pie. It's in the oven. We just seem to forget how good PIE is. You'll see it tomorrow.

In other news: I edited and put some outdoor stuff away while I was getting out the sand for the nativity set. I made yogurt and the pie.

See Nativity Scene 2023
SeeAll posts with this nativity set