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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

See Me Walk a Mile

 I was determined to find out if I could do it. I had to run one errand that gave me a place to park on a side road, so I set out to walk a mile. I guess the snow was surprised to see me out there again. I was pretty tired, but I did it!
snowdrift with eyes

I can't decide if this looks like a swirl on a cinnamon bun, the letter 9 with a decimal point, or a comma and a period.
swirl of snow on bark

It was really lovely during the time I was outside.
blue winter sky

Doug plowed our driveway, which is good because it was getting bad and we are supposed to get even more snow tomorrow.

Today was fairly energetic. The walk and bell choir practice. About 90 minutes of screen time, but bell practice is a lot of eye use, although not as stressful as the computer. I feel as if I'm really making progress, although I still have to take 5 ibuprofen a day. Hopefully, I can cut those back soon.

See Cottage Cheese Blueberry Bake

1 comment:

Ann said...

That was quite an accomplishment getting that walk in. Love that blue sky