I'm tired. I stayed up all night again last night, and grabbed 3 hours of sleep this morning. But let me take you to Pigeon City. At least that's what I'll call it today. Tomorrow I'll tell you what I really call it. Now pigeons aren't very exotic. If you live in a city, they are probably one of the birds that you can see all the time. But I just have one little flock.
My pigeons live next door, and just to point out that one has to find the right perspective to get nice pictures, above is the first view I had of them yesterday. Not so attractive.

But they were so focused on gobbling up the excess grain that is thrown in the field by the grain elevator operators that they ignored Maggie and let me walk around the end of the fence without flying away.

Now, let me tell you something about this flock. There are a very few pigeons that are different from the others. I've been hoping to picture those special ones for about two years, and with the "new" camera I might be able to. So, I'll join the flock of
Tomorrow, I'll show you! G'nite.

There are two tan color looking birds, and I guess they look like geese..maybe I'm way off the track :-(
The only thing I can guess is that they're darker in color than the rest, most notably their wings. I'm really not sure because I can't see the individuals very well.
I see many birds, but not the types.
I see two birds that are a light brown color. Did ducks decide to play or are there another kind of pigeon?
There are two that seem to be a brownish color. Brrr, it seems so cold out there!
You are all very observant! There are indeed two brown birds, but they are also pigeons. I didn't realize how unusual these may be until I went looking for pictures of brown pigeons. Maybe we'll get some comments tomorrow from others who may have seen some.
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