It was wonderful to have real snow to cover the crunchy ice created by all the freezing rain of the past couple of days. You can join Maggie and me on our morning walk. I'm learning more about video editing. I think I would have liked to add a music track, but maybe not. What you get is just the natural sounds- or lack thereof!
The quality sure gets degraded when you save video for the web. Maybe next time I'll choose a higher resolution and we can see if the file is too bulky to load well. I had fun... hope you will too.
![]() | See Sun and Wind
See Windy Nights |
hey,wish i could have snow here when it is christmas,hmmmmmmmm but who knows with the weather becoming so erratic,one day it might just happen.
take care now
Wait until 2012, we may have snow..
You're getting a lot more snow than us. The sound of Margie and your snow shoes are really natural.
nice video!
That reminds me of many snowy walks through the back woods behind our house in upstate New York! (Except for the snowshoes. We just slogged along in our boots like silly people.)
I absolutely love it! Sound and all. It was so peaceful and made me want to be there snowshoeing with you both., Love Maggie's coat. Looks like she was having fun.
Love it! do not need music....makes me want to walk along with you....Loretta
Do not add music. Too many videos are ruined by adding a secondary sound track. If I want to hear music there are radios, Ipods, MP3 players etc. The natural sounds are much better.
I love this video because of a happy Maggie playing in the snow. You got a good video of falling snow before me too. I had the chance to get falling snow today, but I forgot to do video. The natural sounds are the best. Music would be fun sometimes, but I liked hearing the dog romp around in the snow.
Hi Eugene- Thanks for stopping by! Well, the snow can be beautiful one day and not so much the next, as you may see. We take it all, 'cause here it is.
rainfield- I feel as if I should send you some!
Icy- Yup, this time it was our turn to get dumped on. I'm glad everyone seems to like the natural sounds.
wenn- Thanks
Dennis- Do you have boots? I've never worn them. Should mom get me some? Maggie
Auntie E- For a dog who does not like to be wet or cold, Maggie really enjoys her short walks, even in the snow! It would be fun for you to join me, and I'm glad the video makes you feel that way.
Loretta! Well, YOU just may be able to walk with me, if you come as promised!
Grumpy Gord! I would expect nothing less from you. Hey, just for you, even if for no one else, I'm glad I left it alone. Keeping you happy is important! Seriously... we think a lot alike...
Ratty- Well, I wasn't racing you on video production... I just had charged batteries and a real snow storm that wasn't wicked. (See today)
It looks just beautiful out there, Shark, so peaceful. Your dog seems to love it. Doesn't he/she chase the critters?
Carmen- I missed this comment- She isn't much of a chaser... she's a big chicken.
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