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Friday, March 5, 2010

Salmon Sea

Sorry, but we have to take a one-day break from the flower show. A poem erupted in my brain while driving back to Michigan. (In Ann Arbor tonight, home some time tomorrow!) If you look closely, you'll see two small bright streaks in the photo.
sunset over freeway near Cleveland

Salmon Sea

Two silver fish turned and
wriggled through the salmon sea.
At the bottom of their world,
tickling their bellies–
black seaweed.

Others said, “it’s only jets,
you silly goose,
circling the Cleveland
airport at sunset,
above the trees.”

Are they all blind?
I know what I have seen.

c. March 5, 2010, by sharkbytes

See Valentine at the Beach
See Joshua Turns 40! for "The Path to My Kitchen Door"


betchai said...

beautiful poem Sharkbytes, and a peaceful and beautiful salmon sky.

John | Daily Photo Gallery said...

Love the poem, although it took me a few seconds to understand the seaweed. (I'm not properly awake yet!)

Secondary Roads said...

There is none so blind as [s]he who will not see.

rainfield61 said...

That's good. I know what I have seen.

And I love what you have written.

Verna Luga said...

This is wonderful... very romantic ...

In This Side of Town
Anything Davao
Some Things Are Free
Woman’s elan vital

Joanne Olivieri said...

Very well done shark, cool style form and great message.

Ann said...

What a wonderful poem. Love the colors of that sky too.

Sharkbytes said...

Thank you betchai! I wasn't feeling too peaceful. The traffic around Cleveland was mostly like a big parking lot.

John- no problem! You got it.

Chuck- you are quite a poet yourself.

rainfield- I knew you would be one who sees.

Vernz- thanks for stopping by. I'll visit you soon.

Jo- Oh, that is pretty special, coming from you!

Ann- The sky was great! All the pics with the sun were too unsteady. This is the only one that was ok, and it was the one I needed to go with the poem!

Rick (Ratty) said...

This post reminds me of a very little known song called Silver Salmon. I just happened to be listening to it a few hours before reading your post. I think now I'll possibly always pleasantly remember them together.

Anonymous said...

Lovely imagery.

RNSANE said...

A lovely poem! I didn't know you wrote poetry!

Sharkbytes said...

Ratty- I don't know that song. Sounds interesting.

monkey- Thanks!

Carmen- I do indeed. Lots of it! Thank you.