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Sunday, November 24, 2024

Ludington State Park and More

 I needed to do some research for Vacation from Dead Mule Swamp. This involved taking a hike at the State Park. I know, it was a real sacrifice, but writing is my job. Fortunately, this is in the portion that's open while they do their major renovations. Cathy went with me.

This is on the Juniper Loop. These loops are ski trails south of the river.
hiker on a sandy trail

The color was still nice on this bush, but I'm sad to tell you that this is the invasive Japanese Barberry.
japanese barberry autumn

This is the kind of landscape that is both in the opening and at least one later chapter of Vacation from Dead Mule Swamp. I needed to be sure that I hadn't set up part of a scene that would be incorrect enough that I'd get feedback about it later. Not many people walk these trails. It's very secluded and disorienting.
sandy dunes and juniper and jack pine

We hiked 3.5 miles, mostly in loose sand. That was plenty.

Then we went to Cathy's and, guess what? I did get to be in on the end of the "Ice Riders on the Chesapeake Bay!"
jigsaw puzzle ice riders on Chesapeake Bay

Even though this is a Charles Wysocki puzzle, it's a much more realistic style than many of his other paintings that have been made into puzzles.
detail from Ice Riders on the Chesapeake Bay

I also did some editing, and wrote part of one of my articles for the Mason County Press.

Miles hiked in 2024: 530.5.

Ludington State Park, Evergreen, Juniper and Dune Loop trails. 3.5 miles

See New to Me


Ann said...

Sounds like the perfect day.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "It's a rough time when you have to hike for your job, but sometimes it can't be helped, right?"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- indeed

Lulu- you've got me figured out!