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Friday, February 28, 2025

Philadelphia Riverwalk Again

 This morning, Marie, Pam, Larry and I hiked down to the Schuylkill River and did part of the Riverwalk. It was in the 50s, but there with a brisk little breeze. There were a lot of people walking and jogging despite the fact that it's a workday. (Marie and I hiked a good piece of it in 2020)
urban hikers

This is where the sidewalk climbs up to cross multiple railroad tracks before you descend to the river edge. I like that it's like a plaza with seating places as well as the walkway. You can climb the stairs on the left, or the accessible ramp switchbacks its way back and forth across it.
south street bridge plaza

Once you get across the tracks, there is a more ordinary stair/ramp going down to the river. This view lets you see how the Riverwalk is right beside the water.
Philadelphia riverwalk

We did not go the direction this is facing, but turned right and headed basically north along the river.
schuylkill river

There is art along the way. This sculpture is called "Air" by Walter Hancock. It makes me wonder if there are Fire, Earth, and Water somewhere else.
Air sculpture

This mural is called "Convergence" by Rebecca Rutstein. It is supposed to be a meditation on the river.
mural convergence

We did not walk quite as far as Marie and I did in 2020 (link below), but we did a total of 3.5 miles, my longest hike since being sick. Also, Marie and I walked a few blocks to get bagels earlier in the morning.

Other than that, we fixed food and played games. There was also a nap.

Miles hiked in 2025: 22.3

See Philadelphia Riverwalk

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Philly Arrival

 Today was fairly nuts. Marie and I packed her car full this morning because she was bringing most of the food for this whole weekend. Then we headed for Philadelphia.
Philadelphia skyline

Anja flew home for the weekend from Boston where she is working, having graduated from college in December. Pam and Larry flew in from Florida. Mia is in college here in Philly so she just needed a ride across town. There are 8 of us in a fairly small townhouse. I managed to not take pictures of us actually doing things like eating a huge dinner, but we are good at hanging around.

Lots of kitchen help, but putting even three people in the room is a test.

We did play a game after cleanup, which I actually won! I'm usually dead last when this group plays this game. But I didn't even manage to get a picture with the cards out of the box.
card game

I'll do better on pictures tomorrow, but we are going to add person number nine! Got a short walk in with David and Larry because of course, we needed just a couple more things from the grocery store. I'm always amazed at real grocery stores in urban areas.

I'm beat, but so is everyone else.

See From the Train

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

From the Train

 I am safely at Marie's. Tomorrow we head for Philadelphia. Meanwhile, we are both ready to crash. It was not a good day for pictures.

Here, the train was standing still and so was I, but ha! One big blur. This is when I got on at Toledo, OH.
amtrak train

Got one look at Lake Erie where the tracks are close. I believe it froze over this year. But it was warm again today, so ice is melting everywhere.
Lake Erie

By the time we got near Syracuse, NY, the sun was shining. This is Onondaga Lake.
Onondaga Lake

The Adirondack Scenic Railway originates in Utica, NY. It used to go far into the Adirondacks, but now it has a rather limited schedule. The northern end is a bike-rail trail in some places. But I still like seeing the distinctive engine and cars
adirondack scenic railroad

All efforts to take a picture of the Hudson River focued on the dirty and scratched train window.

The train was on time- even a little early. I was a little concerned about how I'd hold up on the ride, but it went wonderfully well. I managed to sleep some (not all night, but enough). I didn't have to take extra ibuprofen, I took enough food with me. It's a 12 hour train ride, but it's SO much cheaper than driving.

Marie picked me up at Albany, and we are back at her house. We're pretty much done for today, but she is making a list of what has to go to Philadelphia tomorrow.

See Sunrise from the Train

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

On the Way to the Train

 I have made it to Ohio and am at Marianne's for a few hours before I head to the train station which is only about 40 minutes from here.

The North Country Trail is literally across the street from her house. But I thought I was going to go about a mile away and hike a paved section to stay out of the wet woods.
Wabash Cannonball Trail sign

But, nope. That was mostly closed for maintenance, so I went the other direction into the woods. It's March, so I pretty much knew what to expect. And... yup.
muddy trail

I was able to stay up in the woods out of the water and ice. One section was actually nice.
trail through woods

This little creek (no name) was winding attractively through the landscape.
winter creek

I have to say that 53 degree weather was pretty awesome! I heard sandhill cranes, and Marianne heard frogs. I walked 2.5 miles.

The big joke is that we had a little dis-communication and I sat in her driveway for 30 minutes thinking she wasn't home yet, and she was already in the house! But we got connected.

I will nap and then head for the train station at 1:30. That should give me plenty of time to find everything even in the dark.

NCT miles hiked in 2025: 8.5. Pretty sad, but I'm back to taking walks, and I have plenty of time.

See A Day of Favorites

Monday, February 24, 2025

Dandelion's Great-Great?

 Opossums in the wild only live a couple of years. The 'possum I named Dandelion showed up at my house in 2008. That would make this one a lot of greats down the line if it's related.

It decided the leap to the steps from where it is above was too big, and ran up along the retaining wall and then around the front of the house.

I think 'possums are very cool, except they can really stink.

I'm just about packed. Need to do travel food and one more store trip. Will leave about noon tomorrow. I think my stamina is up to this event. I'll know in a few days, right?

See Meet Dandelion

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hymns and Friends

  The Methodist Church had another hymn sing tonight. It was pretty well attended.
people singing

A men's group sang a new-to-me song. (Becky is introducing it) I don't remember the name, but they did a good job.
men singing

Becky played piano (she was also the primary organizer I think), and you can just barely see that we also had a violin.

Afterwards, there was a soup and bread dinner. I had some beef vegetable, and then cabbage.
church dinner

But one of the really fun things for me was that long-time friends Jane and Sam were there. Haven't seen them for several years. I've known Jane for over 50 years. Sam is the pastor at an Episcopal Church.

And I walked 2 miles before the event started. Just in the School Forest. It's so easy because it's right across from the church.

See Hymn Sing Evening

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Pajama Day

 No, that doesn't mean I spent all day in pjs. Actually I do that a fair amount. If I'm not going out... who cares.

But I did finish two new ones (I just do bottoms and use t-shirts on top). In previous pajama posts I've talked about sewing machines. Well, these were more of a project than usual because of the four sewing machines I own, three of them are not working, and I wasn't willing to try to get the other one going because it hasn't been used for at least 40 years. (It was my mother's.)

I had these about half done before my favorite machine gave out completely. So today I went to Cathy's and used her machine to finish them. Here you go.
pajama bottoms

Flowers and sharks! This is the third shark print I've found for pjs, which is awesome. It's also awesome that the previous set lasted 3 1/2 years- that included one round of patching. That's longer than usual.

I am going to need to get one of my machines repaired for sure. May need to save up a little. I checked all the easy things, so the fix is going to be major.

I was a little tired today. Seems the currently normal pattern with more energy every other day. So who knows what I'll do tomorrow?

See Pajama Day

Friday, February 21, 2025

Snowshoe Trail

 There is a trail between the Mason County Campground and the Pumped Storage Project that is designated as a snowwhoe trail. (when there's snow- otherwise, it's just a trail!) Today, Cathy and I went and did that. I suspected the snow would be unbroken, and that was true, so it was pretty tough going.
Mason County Snowshow trail

Part of the trail goes past the radio control airplane field.
Mason County Snowshow trail

As you can see, it was a truly beautiful day, and much warmer than we've seen for a while with the temperatures in the high twenties.
Mason County Snowshow trail

If you want to go snowshoeing, we've broken it in nicely for you now!
Mason County Snowshow trail

It's only a half mile long, so both directions made for a mile. Not much, but I made it without too much trouble. Getting stronger!

It runs between the Mason County Campground and the entrance to the Pumped Storage Project picnic area on the north side of Chauvez Road. There is parking plowed at the picnic area entrance, and a couple of places on the road just west of the campground entrance.

I also did computer work and some other things. It's great that the spurts of physical activity aren't making me too tired to function for other things.

See Snowshoe Trail, No Snow

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Granola- Not Quite Bars

 I tried a recipe for granola bars. Does it look yummy? It is!
pan of granola

It almost worked as bars. It needs more of the stuff that makes it stick together into bars. You can see where some pieces were trying to hang together.

I'll definitely make this recipe again and tweak it so it holds together. This will be fine to eat with a spoon or put on yogurt, but I really hope I can make actual bars.
bag of granola

I did a lot of random things today including errands. I leave for the Flower Show trip on Tuesday! So, I got out my duffle bag and am starting to collect things. By going on the train, I have to be more frugal in what I take. Have to change my windshield wipers, empty the car, because I'm driving part way- to get to the train. Of course I can't find a couple of things I do want to take.

Still taking it kind of easy on alternate days, but I filled the time with calm things. At least my eyes aren't bothering me much now. Still taking 4 ibuprofen, and if I don't, one spot on my head reminds me that the neuralgia is still really there, but it's much better. The whole side of my face was extremely touchy. Now it's mostly just two spots.

See Granola

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Meeting Tim and Tammy

 Today, I interviewed Tim and Tammy Martin who recently completed hiking the Appalachian Trail for the second time. Actually, I had met them long ago, but never really knew them very well. We spent 2.5 hours talking because it was more than an interview. We swaped hiking stories, and talked gear, and methods, and all that kind of stuff. It was a great time.

I'll be writing articles about their adventures.

After that, I went back to the School Forest with the goal of walking two miles. Guess what! I walked two and a half!

Best find was a poodle wearing a scarf.
face in the snow

And all this did not exhuast me. I came home and have done computer work alternately with reading.

Now, if I could just figure out how so many stink bugs are getting in the house!

See Building Stamina

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Colorful Quilts Puzzle

 I finished a puzzle that I started before I got sick. For most of that time I couldn't bear to look at it. It's called "Colorful Quilts."
jigsaw puzzle colorful quilts

I actually bought this puzzle because I thought it looked colorful and fun. It was not fun. It has the same problems as this puzzle that I did in 2021.

pooch on a ladder puzzle

They both look colorful when completed, but when you are looking at the individual pieces the effect is muddy. The puppy puzzle was totally awful to complete.

This puzzle wasn't quite that bad, but I had to do the last 100 or so pieces totally by shape. And the pieces were too similar so that sometimes you thought a piece was correct and then later found out it wasn't. If the pieces had been bigger, it would probably have been OK.
jigsaw puzzle colorful quilts

And... this was a brand new puzzle in a sealed box, and in a plastic bag inside that, and it has 3 pieces missing.

The brand is Ceaco. You might want to avoid it, which is too bad becase it's made in the USA.

Today wasn't bad, but I was tired again. I was going to walk before bell practice, but it is very cold outside, and I was tired, so I'll walk tomorrow. I have to go to town again anyway. I'm going to bed early.

See Alternate-ing Universe

Monday, February 17, 2025

Building Stamina

 The other thing I did yesterday was remarkable, not for where I did it, but what I accomplished. I decided to try to walk at least 1 1/2 miles on natural surface.

After church was over, I changed and went across the road into the School Forest where I often hike because of its close proximity to the church. I was mildly surprised to see that they groom these trails. Actually, I thought only the fat-tire bike trails (which wind through the woods off the footpaths) were groomed. But you can see the shadow of the trail edge in this picture
snowy trail

Maybe next time I'll get a picture of the tool they use to do this. It's just sort of a scoop shovel, but I don't know what they pull it with.

The School Forest is a fantastic resource for people who live in town to be able to walk in a natural area. I both love it and find it boring. But it was pretty in the falling snow yesterday. You can see a trail junction post near the middle.
snowy trail

Anyway, I walked 1.7 miles, and that's after being at the church, practicing and playing bells, and needing to be mentally alert for a total of 3.5 hours. I was tired when I got home, but not enough to lie down.

And, I've only taken 4 ibuprofen for the past two days, so perhaps I've successfully made that transition.

Today, it's really cold outside and I didn't have to go anywhere, so I didn't. I worked at editing and some things of my own I need to do. It's all good!

See Mile and a Half