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Friday, March 21, 2025

Philadelphia Flower Show - Florists of the Future

 I already showed you one display from this exhibit- The Empress' Closet (link below). But this was an extensive display where various student florists from Bucks County Community College Floral Program created entries that might be typical of the year 3025. Probably the most important word in the explanatory sign was "innovative."

I understand how the commercial displays are funded (largely from the Philadelphia Horticultural Society), but I'm not sure about the schools. Various colleges, and even high schools create exhibits. I like it that doing this is considered educational by some schools.

There were at least 11 different dispalys in this exhibit, and some had multiple parts. They were mostly tall and vertical in nature and were thus harder to picture. There was a big emphasis on color. I'm going to just share some of the ones I got the best pictures of.

I'll start with "Galactic Gardens" where various arrangements were given street names. This is Cosmic Boulevard and Space Court.
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future
This one is called "Reviving Radiance." It talks about injecting the plants with organic dyes.
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future

Here's a real closeup of those balls at the base. You can see they are covered with bleached and dyes leaves.
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future

This one is called "The Sky's the Limit."
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future

This one is "Flora ad Astra." The explanation is that "in 3025 it will be remembered that Earth's flora made first contact and rooted the soil for the formation of the first accord of interplanetary species." I thought it was whimsical and probably quite realistic that fungi would be the first plants to find anywhere to live.
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future

I don't know if you've noticed, but the woven strips of reflective paper on the floor tied the whole thing together and added amazing color.
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future

This was one part of "Blooms Beyond Time."
Philadelphia Flower Show Florists of the Future

There were even more parts of this, but I think this is enough. I really loved how colorful this one was, and I'm surprised it didn't win any awards.

I did some work; I did my boring 3-mile roadwalk; I did some errands. Ho hum.

Miles walked in 2025: 76.9

See PFS- Empress' Closet


Ann said...

I like them all. It would be hard to judge these.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Well obviously we have now entered what would be our Dada's favorite part of the entire show ..."