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Monday, March 24, 2025

Philadelphia Flower Show - Six Aloes

 You knew we'd eventually get to succulents, right? But with my diminished energy, I had to make choices about what I could see. I skipped the succulent contests and just browsed the Philadelphia Succulent Society display. Their labels are usually accurate and the plants beautifully presented.

They had six wonderful aloe plants that I don't think I've previously seen. That said, there are about 600 species of aloe, and who knows how many varieties.

This is Aloe sp. 'Velociraptor,' and I think you can easily see why!
aloe velociraptor

This one's name doesn't seem as obvious to me, except maybe the spots are suppoed to look like stars. This is Aloe sp. 'Night Sky.'
aloe night sky

The one that looks more like a night sky is called 'Blue Hawaii!' The color is unusual and stunning. You know that when I am a millionaire, I'll have a climate-controlled attached greenhouse with an entire succulent garden, right.
aloe blue hawaii

I like this one quite a lot too. It's 'Swordfish' for a fairly obvious reason.
aloe swordfish

'Crimson Dragon' has dragon-like skin.
aloe crimson dragon

And this one is 'Blizzard.' It's much more purple than the pictures that come up when you search the internet. But... who knows?
aloe blizzard

Any search you do for a particular variety of Aloe seems to bring up a wide range of appearances.

In other news: I wrote two articles for publications, and worked on a pet project, accomplishing a new piece of it without too much difficulty! We had at least 2 inches of snow and it was cold. No walking occurred.

See PFS- Don't Call it Trash
See Aloe


Ann said...

I like them all but Swordfish really caught my eye.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- it's striking!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada looked at the velociraptor one and said, 'Clever girl.' We have no idea what he's talking about."