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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Rosy Mound Natural Area

 Most of what I did today involved selling books and networking with authors. But there was a longish time gap between the sales time and the evening mingle/fund-raising event for Bluebird Cancer Retreats.

I spent some of that gap time hiking the Rosy Mound Natural Area. I have heard good things about it, so I was happy to finally see it. It doesn't have a ton of trails, but I filled most of my free time.

The main trail, Jean Laug-Carroll Trail, to the beach goes over the dunes. It does this by means of stairs. Hundreds of steps, literally. This is the first view of the lake.
Rosy Mound Natural Area

Then I turned and followed the Dune Trail, which is all boardwalk.
Rosy Mound Natural Area

Coming back, you can see one of the dunes the trail has to come over.
Rosy Mound Natural Area

There is an accessible loop which I also did. I did everything except the spurs to the beach and dunes. I would have had time, but I wasn't sure.

The wind was bitterly cold, but I did manage to get in a walk.

The evening part of the Third Coast Author Event was one of those mingling events where you are supposed to try to talk to people while there is music and noise at about 150 decibels. I participated for a while and then came home.
author event

For some unfathomable reason, I only slept one hour last night, so I did not feel guilty for making apologies and leaving. I'm not very good at that type of social thing anyway. Next stop, bed.

I did all right. Some parts of the event were done well and others can be improved. All in all, not bad.

Miles hiked in 2025: 79.

Rosy Mound Natural Area, Grand Haven, MI. Acorn and White Pine Loops, Jean Laug-Carrol Trail, 2.1 miles

See 8, With Day Pack


Ann said...

What a lovely area that was to get some walking in. I wouldn't have been fond of the social part of the event. I'm not good at mingling and talking

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, that looks like a fine place for a walk and a sniff! And your like looks a lot like our ocean!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- yeah. And I didn't have the energy to deal with the noise level without being crabby

Bean- yes indeed, our big lake is a lot like an ocean, except as we display on bumper stickers and t-shirts, "Unsalted and shark free"