What an amazing piece of luck! With the help of Maggie to rustle the grasses, I transformed a praying mantis into a fairy while I had the camera turned on and pointed in the right place.

Now, this is not a great picture, but it's a little better than snaps of the Loch Ness Monster or Sasquatch.

Do you see it? I'll help you a little bit.

OK, I know it's lousy photography, but at least you know I didn't make up the entire fairy story!
See Monsters and Fairies
See A Fairy Tale in Green and White
Wow. Nice shot. I thought you're talking about real fairies. Haha. Visit my PINKVILLE too. New post: Look Inside!
It's a wonderful picture! I lie the story too. Personally, I've been after a Sasquatch for about a year now. I had it all set to dress my nephew up in a Wookie suit, and take a few pictures at the edge of the forest. He's the perfect size and shape. The only problem is that he got a part in an upcoming movie that they were shooting around here, and now he thinks he's too big of a star to do it. :D
Nice capture. Love the fairy look. It does look like a fairy.
How wonderful and magical!! I must look harder for these amazing insects but am happy I can take a peek here with your photos!
She's lovely. Maybe she will favor you with a little dust. With your own good thoughts, you can go flying with her.
I can clearly see the fairy's wings...glorious shot! Hope next time she lets you capture her in a clearer shot... and yes, may she shower you pixie dust that will allow you to fly to Never land. . . :)
Hi Lizzy- At least I caught it with the wings open!
Ratty- is the nephew a bit of a rat too?
Auntie- It was hard to think of anything else the day they were just fluttering all around me!
WillOaks- I am seeing more of them this summer than I have seen for years. A good year for praying mantises and fleas too, I guess.
MG- It's such a Jeckyl and Hyde thing... fly and be a fairy, alight and become a predator. But then, fairies weren't always good in the old stories, eh?
Tes- Thanks for stopping by. Glad you can see the wings. I appreciate your several comments
My nephew might be more rat than even me. He actually offered to drive his car off a bridge for the movie, after they asked him if it would be alright to get into a small fender bender for a scene. They only did a small bump. I think that part didn't end up making the final cut. When the movie comes out I'll advertise it, and his part.
Pretty cool, Ratty. I guess MI is attracting the movie industry. There is going to be one filmed in Manistee (one town north of me)
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