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Friday, April 5, 2019

Old Baldy and Green Point Hikes

Today was a hike with the Spirit of the Woods Chapter of the NCTA. We chose to go somewhere other than on the North Country Trail for a change. We used to do this a lot, but the past few years we've stuck to the NCT because of the 100 mile challenge. But we wanted to see something different again. We went north and hiked two trails at Arcadia Dunes. I thought I had hiked all of those in July 2017, but somehow I missed Green Point, so that one was new to me.

Here's our group picture. It's taken at almost the exact spot of the fourth picture down in the post linked below. Different season! We did a three-mile loop at Old Baldy. (Of course there are many bare dunes along the Lake Michigan shore nicknamed Old Baldy, but this is the one at Arcadia Dunes Nature Preserve.)

group of hikers at Arcadia Dunes

Out on the bluff at the top of the dune, you look down to the lake. It's a lot farther than it looks in this picture!

hiker at Arcadia Dunes Old Baldy

This is the view to the north.

hikers at Arcadia Dunes Old Baldy

It's early April. We have to take our green where we can find it. This is a club moss, probably Northern Ground Cedar, They used to all be in the Lycopodiums, but now there are new genera. Diphasiastrum complanatum

Northern Ground Cedar at Arcadia Dunes

And probably shining fir moss, Huperzia lucidula

shining fir moss at Arcadia Dunes

Then we drove a few miles north to hike a two-mile loop at Green Point. This trail has three overlooks above Lake Michigan. Since the day was gray and misty (but we didn't really get wet), the views are sort of magical. This one is looking south with the big lake on the right and Lower Herring Lake off on the left.

Lake Michigan at Arcadia Dunes Green Point

At the third overlook there are stairs so you can go down to lake level. Here's the view north toward Frankfort.

Arcadia Dunes Lake Michigan shore

I just liked this picture of the bluffs. Looks wild.

Arcadia Dunes Lake Michigan shore

The best green on that trail was some moss on a lumpy tree.

Arcadia Dunes green moss

and I liked this fungus growing on a dead tree.

Arcadia Dunes fungus

Fun day!

There is no other news. This really took all day. After I got home and cleaned up I've just been taking it easy and looking up a few odds and ends.

Arcadia Dunes, Old Baldy loop 3 miles, and Arcadia Dunes, Green Point loop 2 miles, Banzie County, Michigan

See Arcadia Dunes
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1 comment:

Ann said...

When I read Old Baldy I thought it might be a nickname for one of the hikers. I was looking to see which guy in the picture might be bald...lol
Nice place to hike, the views are amazing