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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Temporary Spring

There have been some small tantalizing hints of spring warmth, but it's going to come to a crashing halt tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy some little happy moments.

A turkey in my yard. I saw some spreading their tails yesterday, but no pictures.

wild turkey

The crocuses are starting to open and provide a little color.


And this little pond had peepers and chorus frogs singing!

small pond

Today was busy, busy. I finished the short story, "The Valley." I thought it wasn't going to get warm enough to paint. Then I thought it would, then I thought it wouldn't. Then I checked the thermometer and it was 52 degrees in the shade and it was only 1:30. Ha! I quick uncovered the trailer and got the prep done and the first of the topcoats on the spots I'm painting.

Then I had to clean up, do errands, go to bell choir practice, and then to writers' group. Had to cover the trailer in the dark after I got home, but it was worth it! Had time for a quick walk before bell choir on their short trail by the church.

See I Found Spring
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1 comment:

Ann said...

I hope the weather you are expecting doesn't come here next. I'm enjoying the warmer days and the subtle hints of spring.