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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Sliding Tile Puzzle of My Life

I was planning to show you some trailer progress today. Instead, there were thundershowers and rain. It was too wet to even work on the deck.

So, I'm back to the office sorting. I am forever joking that my life is like one of these sliding tile puzzles. Everything is filled up except for one open spot, and somehow you have to get it all in the right order.

sliding tile puzzle

Here is part of my sorting project. Looks pretty much like that puzzle with fewer spaces, right?

file box and stacks of things

Here's a montage of several more spots in my office that are in some stage of organized. Looks more and more like one of those puzzles, right?

file box and stacks of things

I'm trying to actually get rid of some stuff. 3 boxes went to Goodwill, a 4th is started. I've filled several boxes with paper to be recycled. Some boxes are going to a more remote location, but they'll soon be out of our living space. Any bets on how many years this will take? And it's just one room.

Wish I had something more interesting for the day, but this was the big "news." I wrote in the morning.

See A Little Cave of Clean
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1 comment:

Ann said...

Well if you are anything like me it will take a very long time. I have a room that I've been trying to do this with. You're more of a go getter than I am though so I'm sure you'll finish long before I will