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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Front Garden Report -2

  This may not be too interesting, but it's all there is. I got the front bed 90% cleaned up and fenced with the netting. There is still a little bit to do yet.

Here's the east end. I'll show you more of the specific plants another day. But you can tell (at least I hope you can!) that the weeds are removed. The ugly metal "fences" around the deer-salad plants are also removed. I may go put those back on as double protection. I'd hate for the plants to get eaten just now when some are getting ready to bloom and no one needs to enjoy them overnight. There's also not much of a plan to this part yet. I'm mostly happy when plants live and bloom here. Needs additional time and money and friends.
flower bed

And here's the west end. You saw better pictures of this yesterday, but it's now all clean, except for some more trimming of that rose bush I hate just enough to complain, but not enough to kill it.
flower bed

The pretty stuff I showed yesterday is sort of hidden in this shot. This was more about the long view.

It was hot and humid, and the little no-see-ums came out while I was finishing the fencing. 1.3 inches of rain last night!

I edited for others and on my own book all day long except for the work in the garden. Short time slots out there were my reward for each hour on the editing.

See Front Garden Report - 1


Ann said...

Looking good

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- thank you!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "We don't have much of a garden here, there's the rock area out front where the cactus are and in the back Mama has a couple of tomato plants. I used to water them for her but then she put a fence around them, so I guess she doesn't want my help."
Lulu: "Ahhh, 'help'. Is that what you call it."