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Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 It's hard to put into words how much this means to me. All the people in this picture have a common ancestor in my father, Ray. He is, of course, my dad. He is Susanne's (wearing visor) grandfather. The lady in the black dress is Erin who is the daughter of Susanne's brother Ricky, so Ray is her great-grandfather. The girls are her twins Elisabeth in yellow and Ellery in blue, so Ray is their great-great-grandfather. Although I "found" Erin and the twins a few years ago, this is the first time I've gotten to meet them. I was hoping to get to know them before they were taller than I am, but Liz beat me.
family picture

Here is Erin's family. Her husband is Tom, with Liz and Ellery, and the dog Belle.
family picture

Erin and Tom fixed a fantastic dinner for us- shishkabobs, mostly on the grill until it started pouring, and then the cooking was finished inside.
woman with shishkabob dinner

I really should already be on my way home, but I HAD to stay long enough to come here today. The girls are passionate about dramatics, and they are both in a summer children's theater production of Sponge Bob Square Pants the musical. I couldn't miss that. Liz was Patchy the Pirate as well as being in the chorus. Pictures during the show were not allowed, but I caught this one ahead of time. Ellery was in the chorus, and both girls were in a tap dance number.
patchy pirate

Got a better angle on a picture of Ellery and Erin. The girls are twelve.
mother and daughter

Liz has declared tomorrow National Hug Day. Guess I came at the right time! We did a video call with Jojo (Susanne's sister) this evening. This visit is way too short, but I've promised to come back.

See Niece Susanne


Ann said...

Sounds like you had a nice time.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, what? National Hug Day? Well okay I will accept hugs from Mama and Dada and Lulu but that's it."
Charlee: "None of us cats wanted to hug you anyway, Bean."
Oona: "Oona might!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- tremendous! I'm still trying to process it all

Java- I would hug you carefully. I think Oona might involve a claw or two.