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Thursday, August 1, 2024

National Hug Day

  Last night Lizzie was telling us that a few years ago she had made up a holiday called National Hug Day, and it was August 1. Then we realized that today is August first!

One (or maybe more) round of hugs was had before we had to say goodbye. Ellery, Erin, me, Lizzie, Susanne. I'll be back. They aren't that much farther east than I come most years.

Other than that, it was a hot road day. I did manage to find a route I've never taken before, so that helped. I cut across the Catskills. Always hard to safely snap pix while driving, so this will have to do. Unknowingly caught a pedestrian sign, so that's cool.

There will be a mini advanture tomorrow morning to break up the driving a bit, but I'm definitely on my way home.

See Generations


Ann said...

Nice that you were able to spend national hug day with them :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "We were a little bit perturbed by that name 'Catskills' until our Dada explained that 'kill' is a creek in Dutch and so basically that means we cats own all the rivers in that entire area and get paid a royalty every time somebody steps in one of them."
Java Bean: "Ayyy, I don't remember Dada saying that last part."
Chaplin: "It's a simple matter of trademark law. You can look it up!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- such fun!

Charlee and Chaplin- Maybe there's a BIG kittee that lives under the hills that would scare all of you away.