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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Late Season Color Changes

 These are some of the reasons I love certain plants in the rock garden. I'll show you several as they look today, compared with earlier in the season. It will be a lot of pictures, but oh well.

This is the Sedum elecombeanum. Today:
sedum elecombeanum

Most of the season. Actually this is the same three clumps just after I planted them in 2023:

sedum elecombeanum

In full bloom:
sedum elecombeanum

This is one of my favorites that isn't very showy. But it loves to crawl over cracks between the rocks. Sedum sarmentosum. Here is what it looks like in the fall. Very pinkish.
sedum sarmentosum

Most of the year it is just yellow-green, and it gets little yellow flowers.

sedum sarmentosum

I seem to have three different types of tricolor sedum. This is my favorite. Look how red it is today.
sedum tricolor

This is what it looked like in June.
sedum tricolor

This is another little grouping that is turning out to be very nice. This is sedum 'Angelina' and sempervivum 'Gold Rush.' Today:
sedum angelina and sempervivum gold rush

And in June (the 'Gold Rush' was quite new and sprawly as it came from the store):
sedum angelina and sempervivum gold rush

Finally, I haven't showed this very much this year, but it continues to be one of my favorite purchases of last year. It is filling the space in slowly. I think I'll be able to split a piece off next spring, because I definitely want it more that one place. This is Sedum takesimense (formerly kamskaticum) 'Atlantis.' Today:
sedum atlantis

In August:

sedum atlantis

And in early spring when it's just coming up:

sedum atlantis

In other news, I worked on computer stuff, I worked in the driveway garden, I took a little walk.

Miles walked in 2024: 489.2

See October Rock Garden Report

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