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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Meet Mathilda

hiker with fall leaves

How about a break from plants with a blast from the past? I've been working on an all-new media program about my adventures on the North Country Trail. It has to be done by August 2, so I need to get crackin'!

This is my friend Mathilda. She hiked a total of about 375 miles with me, early in my adventures, till she married Vint. The two of them headed off on their own adventures, which included recording 3 CD's of original music (Mathilda plays violin, Vint plays guitar and sings), and a tour of Europe, playing for spare change.

I needed to call her today to be sure it is all right to use one of their songs, called "Summertime's Easy," in my program.

Now, they have settled into a more normal lifestyle. Mathilda works in a developmental daycare program, and Vint has two more years of medical school. And... imagine my surprise to learn that they have a baby of their own! That was not in their original plans... but life sure doesn't always follow our plans, does it? They are thrilled, and Mathilda is now busy full-time, with little Fiona.

They live in New Mexico, so it's not likely I'll get to see them anytime soon.

ad for North Country CacheIncluded here is an excerpt from my book, North Country Cache, which includes Mathilda:

"Mathilda is trying to train herself to use her vision, to bother to look at things she can see, rather than to just feel or listen for the input she needs. My weakest sense is auditory. Interestingly enough, I have recently been trying to make myself listen better, to close my eyes and use my ears. Mathilda works at learning some trees by their winter shape, and I am amazed at how early she can detect vehicles approaching us from behind, and can accurately judge their distance from us.

Mathilda names her borrowed down sleeping bag "Genie." Releasing it from the compression of its stuff sack, to puffy normalcy, is like letting one of the djinn out of its bottle!"

From chapter 20, "Set Your Compass for Adventure."

It appears that about a dozen people are going to be able to come to my final hike celebration. I just might start getting excited soon. Maybe I'll introduce you to some of these other fellow hikers from the years over the next couple of weeks. Does this interest you?

two campers

I'll just close with a funny picture of Mathilda and me. We may not have had a table, but we had a handy board, so... it worked!


BeadedTail said...

It was fun meeting your friend Mathilda and that last picture of you two is so funny! Looks like the table worked just fine though!

Ann said...

I think it's a great idea to introduce some of your fellow hikers. You and Mathilda did a good job of improvising with that table there.

rainfield61 said...

We definitely need partners in a real adventures.

Great job as a "full time hiker".


RNSANE said...

How nice to share Mathilda with us. It must have been nice to reconnect and catch up on all the news. I love the picture of the two of you and your improvised table. Hey, two women in the wilderness, what do you expect. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all!

spinninglovelydays said...

Yes! It does interest! Nice to "meet" Mathilda. The picture shows that you ladies are very resourceful. :)

Sharkbytes said...

Hi Beaded Tail- We always know how to have a good time!

Ann- OK! I'll feature one every few days.

rainfield- it's seemed almost full time recently!

Carmen- glad you liked meeting Mathilda. I'm already thinking about who to introduce next.

Ivy- resourceful, yes, hungry yes!

tmarsik said...

Thanks for the update on Mathilda. I doubt she'd remember me, but I still recall seeing her around U-M and (of course) "up the hill." Where can I check out her and Vint's music?

betchai said...

it's great to have a hiking partner, though i sometimes hike alone, but only in the popular trail and i know i am safe because of the park rangers, but in a more remote trail, i am kind of scared. its great you are able to continue connecting with the past despite the distance now between you two.