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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Arts Center Gardens

Sharing some pictures of the gardens at the Ludington Area Center for the Arts today.

You know I love Heuchera, mostly grown for their leaves. This might possibly be the variety 'Caramel,' or not. But it's similar

heuchera with golden leaves

A beautiful yellow-green juniper.

juniper with golden needles

This is the yarrow I always wanted, probably variety 'Paprika.' I ordered some, but what they sent me was the plain old pink one. I should have complained but I never did. It was long ago now and mine are all dead anyway.

yarrow paprika

You know I love just about any kind of hosta.

hosta selection

And this contrast with the bright lilies and the purple leaves (that I can't quite remember what they are) is great.


In other news: It was a super-productive day. I wrote in the morning and did errands all afternoon. All of them worked out, as opposed to the last afternoon I dedicated to such an annoying list where I managed to accomplish almost nothing. No matter that 2 of the answers I got were bad news, at least I got answers. Then I took myself out to dinner and had writers' group after that. Whew!

See Hosta and Heuchera
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1 comment:

Ann said...

I have never seen yarrow that color. I like them. What's left of mine is white.