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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Patterns in the Fenced Wetland

I took a short walk today. Mostly work time. Ellen and I have an adventure planned for Saturday. Stay tuned.

I went down to the fenced wetland I introduced in Lost and Found Opportunities. It's not particularly attractive, especially with nothing greening up yet.


But the point of this blog is to look for the good stuff, even in the mundane, right? So I went hunting, camera in hand. I always like the bargello look of bare trees reflected in rippled water.


Neither the red-wing blackbird or the cattail patch is uncommon, but look at the nifty pattern with the straight stalks and angled bird.


If you don't care for straight lines, how about a circle?


This one is my favorite by far. I'll let it speak for itself.


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RNSANE said...

Oh, everything is beautiful. I just love the bird with that patch of red!


Secondary Roads said...

Your favorite is my favorite too. So much beauty around us if only we will see it.

Ann said...

beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I've always found that when looking through a camera things always look way more beautiful

Lin said...

Ooooh, I LOVE redwing blackbirds. They are my favorite birds! That was a lovely photo.

Sharkbytes said...

Carmen and Lin- Glad to accommodate your love for red-wing blackbirds! They are in their prime this time of year.

Chuck- Some days we have to look harder than other days

Ann- the camera can exclude all the stuff our brains can't