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Friday, August 9, 2013

I Had a Following

This happened a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to use it in a post. Sorting pictures today reminded me and it is still good for a big smile. At one place where I wasn't taking pictures (hoping to get directions to a place I couldn't find- it turned out they gave me the wrong address), no one was home. Well, no human was home. I walked into the yard (had parked a fair distance away through the woods on a driveway that looked promising, but wasn't). I was greeted immediately.

farm animals

These mixed friends are clearly well-loved, hand fed, and expect all humans to deliver. I was quickly surrounded. Multiple goats and chickens, but only the one duck.

farm animals

Interestingly, the duck is one of those European kinds that walks very upright. It was quite adorable.

They followed me down the driveway. I was getting a little worried- not wanting to lead them into mischief in the road. They followed me through the woods all the way to my car! Not good. I finally started throwing sticks at them to encourage them to go back to their own yard. I hate doing stuff like that, but talking to them in a friendly way only made them come closer. I would have been happy to be nice and make their acquaintance, but they needed to go home!

They seemed a bit like the musicians of Bremen.

My animal encounter today wasn't so good. I got nabbed by a little Jack Russell terrier. Ruined shirt and pants and a blood blister that smarts, but he didn't break the skin.

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RNSANE said...

You're like the Pied Piper, Joan...well, it's better than getting nipped by a dog. I guess you are going to have to start carrying treats on your travels.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I know the feeling of this one. Having animals follow you is fun at first, but then you know you have to shoo them away.

vanilla said...

Fun with the animals, but drat that terrier.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope they didnt git yore license playt or they may be showing up at yore howse lukking for the handowt they didnt git here!!! ha ha ok bye

Ann said...

Well how fun having such a friendly welcoming committee. The way they kept following you, maybe they were hoping you would take them for a ride